Showing Posts For greyphantom.4891:

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: greyphantom.4891


Let me be more explicit. The copmputers sit in the same room. Their is no temperature problem.

I can play GW2 for hours. I go into an instance. It will always go into powersave/shut down as I finish.

I have even left it idling. Go eat dinner. Fine. Hits the final mob, boom, power save. No voltage or temp warning. It only happens in instances. Not WvW, not plain leveling. A story line instance.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: greyphantom.4891


This has a game problem. Period.

Please relate to hardware. I built two identical systems, my wife and mine. Her gtx280 failed. I replaced it with a gtx460.

My system never shuts down unless I am in a story line instance. It generally shuts down right as I finish it. To prevent me from jumping off the roof. My wife let me redo the instance with her system. Bingo.

gtx280 (SHUTDOWN)
gtx460… cleared to finish.

Their software has a hardware problem inherent. Fix it.