Showing Posts For guild mm.4269:

Organised Crime Syndicate[SYN] Art Commission

in Community Creations

Posted by: guild mm.4269

guild mm.4269

Hey everyone,
My guild recently disbanded but few of the officers and members that helped push the guild to be a top WvW guild in JQ got together to make this commission happen and end our chapter on a final note. We have enjoyed our time raiding together and even though our time was only for a few months some of us had the best WvW run in a long time. The picture is modeled after the famous WvW loading screen hope you enjoy!

The talented artist that commissioned this for us can be found on this page here He did a great job putting this together for us big thank you to him.


Guild Mm character Art Commissions

in Community Creations

Posted by: guild mm.4269

guild mm.4269

Deal with the Devil!


Guild Mm character Art Commissions

in Community Creations

Posted by: guild mm.4269

guild mm.4269

Black Lion Mercenaries


Guild Mm character Art Commissions

in Community Creations

Posted by: guild mm.4269

guild mm.4269

Hey everyone, I love storytelling through art. I recently had some commissions on my main character “Guild Mm” done. Huge credits to the artist that agreed to take this project on. Here is a link to his portfolio if anyone wants to check out his other work. He has a great style that I liked and love the consistency in every picture

Going with what I do in this game which is afk in Lion’s Arch on the TP. The themes do revolve around gold or “power” you can say. We all love gold… but nobody loves more more than Mm!
To add some lore to tie in with what I love to do in Guild wars 2.
A TP Baron hungers for more power and gold, what is he planning?!
The commissions can be arranged in any order to tell the story


(edited by guild mm.4269)

Guild Army

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: guild mm.4269

guild mm.4269

Guilds have seen many changes come with Hot. New Missions, long awaited release of Guild halls, ability to decorate and level up. Guild halls are acquired after defeating the mordrem and claiming the hall for your guild. Although the guild hall is yours, members of your guild are not always there to protect it from another mordrem attack or even a rival guild invasion!
That is where Hired soldiers come in!

the option to hire guards from the mercenary recruiting agent in your guild hall.

  • option to customize the armor set of the soldiers( can be limited to few rare armor skins for low level guilds, exotics for medium level, and all armor sets for max level)

Guards will patrol the guild hall defend it against any attacks.

  • guards will walk on a default auto set path for each of the guild halls( when placed)
  • it would be cool if decorator mode would include being able to assign markers and make our own path for the guards to patrol.
  • when talking to the guards the option of “follow” can be clicked and the guard will follow the player until told to stop.

Guild mission
“Defend the guild hall”
With soldiers loyal to your guild ready to fight for you and your guild members, why not have a guild mission where guild members defend their guild hall with their army against the mordrem or other npc guilds.

a lot of objectives and challenges can be done for this. Defending checkpoints in the guild hall like main areas, killing a boss etc.

There can be an option for “Invading the guild hall”
This mission requires more preparation, war aint cheap!
members will have to gather a required list of supplies to prepare your soldiers for the siege!
The mission cannot be activated until the amount of supply gathered is complete!
you can have the mission set to a more difficult scale with more enemies if your guild has the army size for it. high level scales with cost more supplies, but give more rewards from the enemy guild hall.

this mission can be done by having the players taken to an instance outside of the enemy guild hall.
Players have to fight through mobs before making it to the gates… after which siege equipment would be used to break into the guild hall.
from their guild members will need to hold checkpoints to control parts of the enemy guild hall before proceeding to fight the guild lord.

Finally going back to guild hall level, the quality of guards would have to depend on that.
Low level guilds(10-20, 15-25 etc) Hire commoners looking to serve guilds!( Fine-Rare armor set skins, guild armor skins) all races can be picked. Has the ability to customize soldier armor look.
Medium level guilds(25-35 etc) Hire Mercenaries to fight for your guild( Exotic armor skins, guild mercenary armor skin) all races can be picked. Has the ability to customize soldier armor look.
High or max level guilds( depends how many tiers you want to split this, i did 3 as an example) Hire veteran soldiers that have fought in battle( All armor set skins) all races can be picked. Has the ability to customize soldier armor look.
*option to promote general or Lieutenant, generals and Lieutenants can wield legendary weapon skins.

  • can add a range of options for the generals to carry out commands.

Buying these soldiers will cost gold. But this is not a one time payment. Soldiers also want some of those riches! guilds will be responsible of a weekly reset soldier pay.
Guilds that seek to hire a large army should beware of the cost!

Finally a new summoning stone has appeared in Tyria. It grants players the ability to summon two elite guards from their army to follow them around for a certain time(30mins, 1h, 2h etc)
these stones can be bought or crafted from other mats.

Thank you for your time,
I would love to see what everyone else has in mind, im sure many might of thought of such an idea.
Have a nice day!

(edited by guild mm.4269)