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1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: haarek.5836


It’s true that we (CD) had third place during our first week, but that week wasn’t normal. After the weekend we had a large lead, as usual due to our strong openings. I think we had at least a 10k point lead. But that week was Christmas week, which struck us at CD harder than FA and IoJ. Second week however we were back with our usual numbers, and we won.

We are used to open strong here, we were sometimes ahead of Tarnished Coast during the weekends, so there is not really anything new. I have no idea if we have gained any new guilds, if we have, I haven’t noticed it.

Far as skill goes, we at CD hold “classes” where the more experienced teach the new players, for instance we had one a few hours before reset this week. In my guild we have worked to get the new players, who got the game for Christmas, interested in World vs World. Naturally we improve over time, as do our opponents.

One must not forget the inspiration of being in lead, more people wants to play when the server is doing well, our strong weekends helps a lot there. Far as numbers go, I’d like to say that some of us at CD spends loads of hours in wvw, the same player can face both your Oceanic crew and your European. If we are talking about individual number of players we are not that different, combined minutes however, might be a huge difference.

You might want to take a look at gw2guru’s thread about our first match, we had pretty much the same score difference after the first day.