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Why do people find c necro so op in pvp?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


LOL. kitten I wish these boards didn’t bug out so much so I could quote stuff here. You guys dropped some beauties in there!!!!

@ Nemesis: Let’s just get this out of the way: Necro was the first class I rolled at release, and my 2k+ tpvp matches would beg to differ with your opinion on my “depth of necro knowledge”. And did you really link a shot from WvW of Thief’s backstab damage for a comparison to Terror? lolwut??? I don’t even have words for you honestly. Your little vids might be enough to garner the admiration of those who obviously know less than you about the class, but anyone with any real understanding knows your mostly clueless. There’s no need to debate that further.

@ The guy who got hit by a Hammer Warrior (lol). Firstly, I don’t know how you get hit by the most telegraphed skill in the game, but whatever it still raises a perfect example. That hammer swing is, like I said, incredibly telegraphed with a looonnng cast time and short range. Doom on the other hand is instant cast, only recently has an animation that is only noticeable after the instant cast (gg Anet), and when I said it is the only CC to both control and damage I was correct as no other dmg skill continues to apply damage while under the effects of the control. If you read the description of CC skills you will notice they include a damage skill fact AND a control skill fact. Separate functions. Terror on the other hand is a direct augmentation to Fear, and Fear being a condition benefits from condition duration in both damage and control increase – longer duration = more dmg ticks and longer control. I shouldn’t have to explain this further.

These forums are honestly hilarious. Mention one change that takes away someone’s ability one shot or dominate people and they get all up in arms. The fact is there are a lot of changes that need to be made to PvP atm because currently it’s almost completely broken. Terror in its current state is detrimental to the health of game. The same way stun locks, evade spam, rampant AI, and passive procs and abilities are detrimental to the game. Everyone likes to view balance through the lens of their own class without taking a look at the bigger picture. If we remove terror, then there’s far less need to nerf Dhuumfire or other aspects of the class. Yes, we would lose an OP nuke form our arsenal, but there’s still so much there to fall back on that there really won’t be much lost.

Regarding the scepter AA, such simple spam does not need to be rewarded with 4s bleeds. A 4sec bleed on an AA should only come with a heavy investment into condi duration. Not just be baseline. This is a great example of what’s wrong with Necro’s condis at the moment. They take little to no investment to perform at an optimal level.

You guys act like I want Necro nerfed into the ground, which couldn’t be further from the truth. The PvP meta is so broken right now that even as bad as Necro is right now, there are classes far more broken and and standing ahead of the Necro in line for the nerf bat. Removing or nerfing Terror is honestly the best way to keep Necro at the forefront of viability without keeping it in it’s OP status, as well as improving PvP game play as a whole.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long