Showing Posts For handbanana.6901:

[Nors]TheBrutal Enclave|CrystalDesertSoldiers

in Looking for...

Posted by: handbanana.6901


Raiding is always fun with [Nors]! :P

[Nors] The Brutal Enclave| Crystal D

in Looking for...

Posted by: handbanana.6901


Strange people welcome! We also like to raid naked sometimes :’D

Join the skilled. Join the determined.

in Looking for...

Posted by: handbanana.6901


As far as I’m concerned, the WVW community in FC feels more like a big guild than a number of different guilds, and that’s what’s gotten me into WVW more. I used to just run around big numbers of people and feel insignificant, and most of the time I didn’t know what I was even doing. It’s just different now.

I assure you moving to FC will be worth it.