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Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: hawisaac.4925


please feel free to comment.

They seem to have done it, mainly because we could ‘drop’ from any distance and DS to not die on landing.
It dose seem more logical that more LifeForce = more mitigation.
It was super awesome that they fixed it from 2/3rds our life to 100%, and that direct damage wasn’t 50% more.

The flip side is as you imagine tho. You can ‘fake tank’ for a few sec with Weakerning Shroud, as it cast chill & weak. But you got to run up and hug the scary monster to get them affected, and your only looking at a few second slow.

Some of the Champs in Orr, for example. Will 1 shot hit you thru 120% life force, and your entire real life pool.

Because before in long dungeon boss fights, we could use a little LForce as a DSheild to suck up that extra hit. We are behind all the other class’s and usally asked by nice groups to sit out boss fights. Or just simply kicked from group.
We defiantly need something like, Vigor/End Return/Block/Invul. Or after the 35sec mark we just can’t do anything but die to them non-avoidable hits.

Other recent bugs include poison not always reducing heals. Putrid Mark only removes some Condi’s, and NOT from Allies.
So our group help has really gone down.

They did ‘fix’ vamp so it scales off heals power. But full heals power is +6 over what it used to be, so still 0.01% or less, max life per hit.

They did give us burning on hybrid spec. Which made us very bursty with conditions in PvP. For this they have nurfed Fear, and now other bleed stacks.
Also because this auto-proc’s on crits. We cop a lot of abuse for being OP with a unskilled spec.

Only real positive since ya been gone. They increased Staff Marks, so your not required to trait Greater Marks to make staff useful.
Some of our wells got 10sec less CD, and one even brakes stun!
They also fixed up spectral walk/armor. (Tho don’t teleport while spectral running or you may explode)
Our Transforms don’t go on full multi-min CD if interrupted on cast. (Tho some people say Litch at about 0.4sec into cast still dose)

Oh and you might have left when we still had the 1/3rd downed life of any other class. That was finally fixed!!!

i was just thinking along the lines in boss fight that if a boss deals fo exmple 22k dmg in 1 hit while u use death shroud wif lets just say for rounding sake 20k hp your death shroud would only loose effectively lets say 6k worth of lf hp if the threshold is 30% of hp kinda thing (this would take place before any modifires i guess coz it would still be useless with weakness on a boss) that way v would still be capable of tanking that ‘big shot’ but im still not sure how it would fully play out. this would still allow them to have their overflow of health and also if they wanted to, im sure that thay could make this so that it doesn’t affect falling dmg ie. you would still take full damage without the threshold jumping off cliffs.
thank you for the fix in downed life tho really was starting to get annoying when i was leveling.
i personally wouldn’t dare comment on condition dealing coz i don’t actually play with conditions as my necro (full 30 pts in toughness n lf tree)

(edited by hawisaac.4925)

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: hawisaac.4925


I realize this is the necro forums, but this habit of necroing month old threads… just stop please. Make a new topic if you want.

sorry bout that. like i said its my 1st time posting and im not really sure how to start a new forum just yet.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: hawisaac.4925


this is kinda my 1st post ever, yay.

i came back to playing gw2 after a long time (almost 2-3 months gone) and realized a lot of things have changed. i was going through some post about the necro and there seems to be a list of how ds has been terribly ‘nerfed’

i kinda have some ideas in ‘buffing’ the necro from its v diminished state. please feel free to give a comment since this is kinda my 1st post ever.

before i start of i would like to say that i actually enjoy the ds mechanic since i don’t get it on my other profession. however as stated by most, i guess it has been nerfed to a point whereby it is less viable which also means that tanking with my necro has become increasingly more difficult (yes i tank with scholars).

so to begin with, as i already said i tank with scholars, it means that ds is kinda the bread and butter for my necro. however as stated by some of you and i personally feel it to that i am unable to tank with my ds and dodging is kinda at a limit.

so here are some examples that would help a necro out:

1) have a threshold in which dmg from direct damage would eat off of lf in 1 sec based on lets say 40-50% current health. anything above that threshold would be negated (blocked in a sense).

-this would mean that ds would still be able to take on that huge hitting attack (with some good amount of lf that is)
-able to negate huge amounts of dmg from zergs in wvw
-my personal fav, able to be deceptively tanky at lower health.
-and still be managable 1v1
-most importantly, you would still be able to keep kamikaze necros from happening since dmg still overflows.
-note: this should be taken into effect before toughness of course or else no necro would ever invest into toughness (like me)

2) this is not really necessary but a heal while in ds would be nice. if the former request is thaken into account, i think this heal in ds would also determine a good necro from great necro since ds does kinda last longer at lower health since ds takes less dmg while you are at lower health.

So this is what i feel would help in providing some kind of balance between pvp, pve and wvw. please feel free to comment.

(edited by hawisaac.4925)