Showing Posts For heerobya.2067:

I'm just not happy with this game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: heerobya.2067


I’m level 77 or 78 and after going back and finally doing a big world dragon (Sunless) and spending some time in Orr, I have no motivation to play anymore.

I ran all 3 paths of AC explorable, successfully, and found it to be a bland, tedious chore with ZERO reward other than the tokens.

If I’m being asked to farm, repeatedly, for cosmetic items – I’ll just go back to playing WoW and actually feel like I accomplished something in the month I’d play before un-subbing again.

The Dead End of Level 80 [My Thoughts]

in Suggestions

Posted by: heerobya.2067


I was really hoping for an evolution of the “monster invasion” mechanics of say Tabula Rasa when it came to Orr in GW2.

Where we’d actually have a NPC threat that was an actual threat and functioned as an army playing against the players, intelligently, to conquer, hold, and retake territory.

Instead we got a zerg merry go round.

Extremely disappointed.

My suggestion? Go back to the drawing board on Orr.

How to make Tequatl the Sunless a better fight.

in Suggestions

Posted by: heerobya.2067


I do like the idea of breaking “the fight” into multiple events – make the entire fight a chain series with multiple steps instead of forcing players to “play it right” with mechanical changes.

The main point is that right now, as Sollith says, “right now it’s pretty much attack dragon → get feared out of place → run back and continue spamming.”

Any change is a welcome one.

GW2 has been extremely disappointing the more I’ve leveled up.

How to make Tequatl the Sunless a better fight.

in Suggestions

Posted by: heerobya.2067


I’ve now seen one of the large dragon fights, Tequatl the Sunless, and was honestly extremely disappointed.

Anet should make such fights more difficult and in the end enjoyable. Here’s how for that fight-

1) Players can no longer damage the dragon directly. Only the Super Laser can, which damages and brings Tequatl to weakened state, and the other turrets can inflict damage too but only when in the Weakened state.

2) The big / slow abominations mobs the dragon spawns (Bloated Creepers?) can only be killed if they are hit with the blast from one of the Turrets, which weakens them so players can kill them. Otherwise they regen health too fast for even concentrated player damage. A simple buff and debuff application – mobs spawn with insane regen buff, like +999 HP per second and Turret shot (aimed by player or NPC controlling turret) removes that buff.

If they get through to the turrets without being killed, they detonate and destroy one of the turrets.

3) The walls the dragon spawns between turrets and himself should be more easily DPS’d down by players, but perhaps they are fine it’s just that NO ONE ever touches them. (as you have to have walls down to hit dragon with Laser and Turrets.)

4) Slightly easier (non champion) mobs attacking Super Laser – but again may be unnecessary if players actually HAVE to use laser.

Point is, force players to actually do the mechanics of the fight.

1. You have to have players (or NPC’s that are kept alive) on the turrets, have to have players or NPCs that are kept alive repairing turrets and/or reviving downed Engineers.

2. You have to defend the super laser – force player activation of laser once it is charged.

3. You have to clear the bone walls the dragon spawns so the turrets and laser can hit Tequatl.

4. Put the whole thing on an Enrage timer, if players don’t keep the Laser up and active and use and defend the Turrets, dragon unleashes super awesome dragon power breathe attack and wipes the entire coastline.

Most if not MANY MMO players are already used to this kind of fight complexity from playing WoW, let’s be honest here.

There you go Anet, a suggestion for fixing one of your most touted/memorable fights from your demos. In 30 seconds of armchair game design.

Because right now? All players do is AFK wait for the timer to drop, stand in a big pile in front of Tequatl’s feet, and spam their attacks.

(edited by heerobya.2067)