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GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: hellig.4562


IGN: Tryome
Main Profession: Warrior
Alternate Professions: Engi (can learn what ever)
Account name: hellig.4562
Practice Availablity: I’m on shift work, so my schedule is kinda of wack.
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 11
Level of Desire: To scrim and learn as much as i can about competitive GW2
NA or EU: NA

Does Shrug It Off proc Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: hellig.4562


Right on. Thanks man.

Does Shrug It Off proc Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: hellig.4562


Just a question, I find play testing this particular question difficult so I figured I would just ask here.

The trait Shrug it Off reads “Use Shake it Off automatically when you have more than 1 condition.” Does this also activate the heal of the trait Vigorous Shouts? This trait makes shouts heal.