Showing Posts For hilguebelle.7125:

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: hilguebelle.7125


Thomas, I agree. The only timeset we are enough to fight GH well is the 18h – 23h (GMT+1); we are mostly a PvE server…

I stop McM for the week. I’ll see next week how it goes

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: hilguebelle.7125


For the moment, I’ve only seen 5 or 6 real goods Commanders; the others I’ve seen as futur good commanders don’t have the money to pay the tag. and we’re not your numbers, you’re playing all the time… this morning (7GMT) we were 10 on Fort Ranik’s map, and only 5 together, the other 5 doing PvE, jumping puzzle; Each try we made on a place, 20 XAOC on us… No match. 20sp reparation, and that’s all folk…

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: hilguebelle.7125


I know it’s not fun being 10 on 1 poor guy; the only challenge is “will l be kicker than my friend to kill him?”. And, for the help of all server to the XAOC, in WvW, I saw few others tags; [XAOC] everywhere, on each player name….

I just thnik it’s a shame. That kind og Alliance and Guilds should play in opposition to the others, not against servers like us. If Millenium, Pandora, XAOC and others love that, good for them, fight, but forget us.

And if you don’t find fun being 5 on 1 guy, why do you rush him, and let no chance to him, when he’s coming to do the jumping puzzle in a map? 5 hunters with machine guns on a rabbit, it’s sport?

I really hope it’ll end soon; i’ve been playing GW2 since it’s release, the same for GW1, and now, I’m getting upset because of that situation, and my members the same… I’ve just said an IRL goodbye to a 7 years guild member, he leaves GW2… Thanks to XAOC …

Being strong doesn’t mean you HAVE to be TYRANIC; try the fun, let the solo player goes to jumping puzzles; being gentlemen should help your image…
And thanks for our commandants. They’re just most awfull; the mornings, when we get back, sometimes, some places, it’s groups with no leaders, as many “Chiefs” does know tactic, strategy; they just had 100po lol

-to be continued-

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: hilguebelle.7125


Gunnar’s Hold have been created/reinforced by Alliance XAOC. Now, they OVERRULE WvW in our part. Do you think it’s normal an entire alliance can change server to be sure they will always be full in the WvW maps, and destroy all ?!?!?
Even with efforts, they seem to be twice our number ! At morning (GMT+1), we can just hope not be FARMED . We do not own any place, they block jumping puzzles.

WHERE’S THE PLEASURE? Many players of my guild now are upset; they will leave GW2 just because of that: no balance. When where are less on the map, can’t we have Buffs ?

It’s just like International alliances rules, and overs, then, can’t play…

Does ARENA want only pro-gamers in WvW ?