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Is AoE actually a problem? - Discussion Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hobieone.9106


while i appreciate the devs communication on the subject.
the whole issue with aoe damage seems to stem from WvW. but it seems most players don’t relize the fact that if you play the pvp map that your armor and weapons are different from the pve side. but in WvW it is not it uses the same armor and weapons. its my opinion that’s where the aoe imbalance comes from.
my question to the dev team is this. wouldn’t it be easier just to adjust WvW to use pvp only gear and adjust the pve aspect of WvW accordingly. and leave existing skills alone for time being? That way pve builds wouldn’t get completely nerfed for a fun aspect of the game that should be considered and treated as PvP and not PvE? i mean outside of pvp the aoe damage doesn’t seem out of balance with the exception of a couple classes that it could be brought up some since they were nerfed down a bit too much.

Why do nerfs scare or enrage the community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hobieone.9106


errmmm the nerfs havent happend yet….. andthere trying to make more viable builds not less

thats why thay have said there going to look at it on a class/skill by class/skill basius

yes, you have a good point.

the ranger nerf wasn’t as bad os some claim. i still play a ranger as my main. the only place in game i have seen serious balance issues with classes is WvW tho.

Why do nerfs scare or enrage the community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hobieone.9106


just my two cents here.
the whole reason for the nerfs that i see stems from WvW. i play quite of bit of both pvp and pve. i can tell you now pvp skills and pve skills are seperate. when it comes to WvW which is primarily pvp it does not use pvp skills and armor it uses pve skills and armor which is ment for pve combat not pvp. that is the main problem with WvW! so of course mesmer, elementalist, andthiefs aoe skill are over powered! they were balanced ans ment for pve not pvp.

how to fix WvW and not nerf classes to the point that they are useless in normal pve. is to have player use pvp skills and armor in WvW and rebalance the pve aspect of WvW acordingly. that way this leaves current pve builds viable in the regular pve stuff.

basically the devs need to start treating WvW as PvP not Pve. the way the devs ae going they are going to have to eventually rebalance all mobs of pve which will take a lot longer and ore work than just making WvW use pvp skills instead of pve ones.

Where are my Wisconsinites at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hobieone.9106


lived in green bay wi, till last june. i moved all the way down here to san antonio texas.
1. for more jobs available
2. get away from the winter finally
3. get away from the hostile political climate up there.
do i miss green bay? nope not since i found a sports bar down where packer fans gather and ran into a lot of people who also recently moved down here from wi as well.

Disappointed with event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: hobieone.9106


Just noticed in the patch notes that this update is very heavy on new Black Lion Trading Company (gem/cash store) items. Considering how much comes from chest, everything is leading back to the gem store. Seems this is a big part of their Halloween patch… Disappointing.
Agreed , I mean you’d expect them to give you lots of fluff costumes and keys for free since you pay a monthly sub fee.

yes, considering they did it with guild wars 1 !

optimize the game for AMD cpu!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hobieone.9106


im using phenom II x6 1090T 3.3Ghz L3 cache 6MB
HD 7850 SoC
8G ram 1333mhz DDR3

and the game run really bad….
the FPS its bitween 25-50

in World vs World in huge battles its like 10-12FPS thats a joke!
why do you leave AMD cpu and optimize the game only for Intel? because the name?

fix that

by the way if someone here have Phenom II x4 955 or above please tell type here how much FPS do you get in WvW and in huge battles in PVE/WvW

any anwer will help.

Unfortanatly i’d say something is haywire with your system’s configuration.
i have the exact same amd cpu as you do. but i’m running a a 5900 series hd with 2gb video ram and 6gb ddr 3 system ram.
and i can run gw2 with everything set at full and get consistently 60 fps or better lowest is ever dropped to was 40 during a large wvwvw battle and only for a few secs.
so the amd phenom II x6 1090T 3.3Ghz that i’m using or your using isn’t the issue.

i’d be looking at the type and quality of your ram modules, the type and quality of your mother board, whether or not your power supply is adequate to power every thing especially the gpu.
and if you computer is a dell, gateway, hp. (basically store bought) then that’s more than likely is 95% why you having issues as none of them are configured correctly for gaming.

Graphical issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hobieone.9106


i have seen this before both with mac and pc’s that use intel graphics cjips. they just plain can not handle game that use alot of shaders and advance features that are found in ati and nvidia chips. as the intels chips simply lack the capability and performance.
on my macbook pro with nvidia 330m the game runs and looks great same with my imac with an ati card. my older macbook that has an intel hd chip looks exactly like yours do. the only way i could get the graphics to work somewhat decent. i had to turn all the graphics settings to bare minimum.

intel graphics chips just plain doesn’t work well with high end games that use advance graphic features.