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Condition Damage in PvE Overview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hybrid.5027


With the new sinister gear set there has been a lot more talk about condition damage builds becoming part of the PvE meta. One of the most common things I hear from people is “conditions will never be part of the meta until the condition cap is raised.” This is false, but I’ll explain that later. The point is, I think most people don’t really understand why conditions aren’t meta, what can be done to improve their role, and what the side effects of these changes are. I would like to go about answering these things today so we can have a better understanding as a community, and perhaps have something thorough that developers can respond to.

First, why aren’t condition damage builds part of the meta?

The most basic answer is that they do not have competitive maximum DPS with direct damage builds. For the sake of this article we will discuss Warrior and Engineer, as they are the best two pve condition damage classes. The meta direct damage warrior produces about 11-12k DPS in a meta speed clear group. The meta engineer will produce about 13-14k DPS in a meta speed clear group. These builds greatly benefit from 25 Might, perma-Fury and banner of discipline and banner of strength. But, most importantly, they benefit from the ability to maintain 25 Vulnerability for a large majority of the fighting. The best warrior and engineer condition damage builds with the same party buffs will produce about 8-9k DPS once they have reached their maximum average condition output. Simply put, they don’t compare favorably in terms of DPS.

A second problem is what I call Ramp Up Time. A direct damage build will produce its best dps at the start of a fight when all of it’s cool downs are available and it can use the very most damaging attacks immediately. The damage will then come down a bit and settle into a repeating oscillation as cooldowns become available. This is a standard dps ebb and flow for any dps rotation. In the end it all averages out to a particular number. But it is important to remember that the damage is front loaded ie, the first 10 seconds of a fight are going to be when the most damage is done.

Condition builds are the exact opposite. It takes them time to “ramp up” to their maximum DPS. Generally speaking, a good condition damage build will not hit its peak DPS until about 15 seconds into a fight. This is a major problem in PvE dungeons as you might imagine. In most of the named dungeons, bosses tend to die very quickly most in under 20 seconds. Additionally, many of the bosses who take longer to kill have condition cleanse abilities. In many cases by the time the condition build is just reaching its potential, the boss is dead. Or the boss cleanses its conditions and you’re back to the dps floor. For a boss that dies quickly or a boss who cleanses, a direct damage build will do even more dps than the condition damage build. If a boss dies in 10 seconds, thanks to front loaded damage, a direct damage build will likely output something like 20-25k dps before the boss dies, while a condition damage build will have only done 5-6k dps since it was still ramping up. I consider ramp up time to be the single most significant barrier to condition builds becoming meta viable in PvE.

In summation, the main obstacle to condition builds is ramp up time vs the front loaded potential of direct damage builds and the fact that condition damage builds have lower peak DPS than direct damage builds, mostly thanks to Vulnerability. Thus, even when a condition damage build manages to ramp up to it’s maximum and maintain it for a long time, it’s output is much lower.

So with these two problems in mind, what can be done to fix this issue?

As far as the maximum potential dps goes there are multiple solutions I envision as practical.


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