Showing Posts For iKillerShoT.5697:

AoE nerf, brace yourselves

in Elementalist

Posted by: iKillerShoT.5697


Well there goes my motivation for making The Bifrost.

The post about MS being OP is obviously a kittenolol… for reasons that any eles here would know so ignore that post.

We won’t find out what exactly is going to happen to ele AoEs until the patch actually takes place. The changes made to class mechanics in GW2 seem to lack balance though. The slight boost in certain skills prior to or in conjunction with downgrades on other abilities, isn’t significant enough for players to feel “the balance”. It’s going to be interesting to see how ANet handles other issues at hand, specifically ones pertaining to the game economy, such as inflated prices on certain items (legendary precursors) due to bots. The patch notes at this point bring fear and anxiety, rather than an excitement and a motivation to play, to a lot of people playing the game. Cheers to the person that posted about disconnection between developers and the players and how it leads to an undesirable modifications to classes and game mechanics. ANet could invest in hiring more employees to establish a wide and profound medium between the company and users so that any changes ANet brings to the game is more acceptable to both parties.