Showing Posts For iLLuminati.9437:

All around improvements of GuildWars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: iLLuminati.9437


Kitten = bundle of sticks…. are you referring that I am a pile of sticks?
And I AM allowed to post MY opinion. I will also be adding my opinion to 6 and 7 very soon. Kay? Kay.

No, i wasn’t offending you, i wrote Shiet & Faqing… (Had to misspell in order to use)

All around improvements of GuildWars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: iLLuminati.9437


It’s funny how no one has replied to me yet. Especially the person who MADE this.

Idk, what your moaning about, as if it was your time being spent and hard work put in to make these IMPROVEMENTS happen!

Your second post was based on some major misunderstanding, so you might as well delete that! Idk where you got that “weapon Summon” idea from but it didn’t come from me buddy! Apparently you never had enough friends message you to have 10 chat windows open thus (cluttering up your screen) ?! And are you serious ? You just told me to use a third party software for something we have ingame but its not as good as it could be?! Youre clearly not interested in IMPROVEING the gamne, you just need kitten fixed!

As for answering you post ?! Were not here to discuss, were here to suggest, if you want a forum fight go on some other topic!

More important things to fix blah blah bullkitten! There will always be bugs, glitches, kitten kittenin up in MMO’s, period! I dont care about the friggin obvious issues i care about getting the most out the game! Visually, esthetically!

Now plz stop writing walls of text about your oppinion on SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS others post!

All around improvements of GuildWars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: iLLuminati.9437


1. Improved texture quality for most items, weapons, armor etc. !!!

(With some weapons you cant tell weather its Metal Wood or Leather, only by its coloring. Update color textures depending on type of material, Metal, Wood, Leather, Textile. Blades have no shine to them! What i see in “Preview” and what IS in the world are two different things! Introduce Chrome, ALLOW WEAPONS TO BE COLORED TOO!)

2. Weapon decay!

(A half done job, where Armor breaks due to damage but not the Weapons. People wont like it but its a complete feature! Why one but not the other ?! O.o
+ Armor upon breaking, should not be just 100% visually than gone from the Characters body! Should have 3 stages of visual damage before completely being worthless and in need for repairs! Should still be on Characters body but destroyed, split, stuff hanging, dis-formed. Same with Weapons)

3. Chat window for friend!

(Introduce chat windows for Friends, to not clutter up the screen of a player with 10 windows, it should be implemented to the existing Contacts Icon/tab (with notification) where double clicking on a friend will extend to the right where we can type text, list all open chats with players names below one another. Guild chat should list people disconnecting, leaving guild, joining guild for all, and it should not be linked to System message or anything else, just the the “/Guild” option!)

4. Summoning Items!

(An item to summon, by acceptance, a player to your current position should be introduced, weather found in drops, bought & sold on Market, or just Gem bought, but it should be available! Party Leaders, Guild Leaders should definitely have this option! Now this one is kind of a chain implement, having this, on side of having to pay to travel between WP’s and having to discover an area for yourself to travel there, several thing have to be changed, why i called it a chain implement, to avoid that many changes, If an area is not discovered, it cant summon players or it could but for a hafty price, fees should be payed by person accepting the summon, just as you would for WP travels!

5. Mini’s / Pet’s with more worth!

(A mini should have its own slot, should always follow you even when WP-ing
They should be fed to grow, and should definitely help in fights! 1 or 2 skills, even try to revive their master, buy them armor, give them names of OUR choosing! They are pretty much of no interest to anyone right now, you cant interact, they cant help you, you cant help them! They only clog up your screen!)


6. Dungeon Blackboards

(Outside of every Dungeon should be a board where players interact and apply their names for that dungeon, where they see who applied and how many spots left in a party and join or leave! You should not have to Alt-TAB a game and go on a website to do this!)

7. Own player name option in settings!

(I for one would love to see my own name and guild i currently represent! It should be choose-able in settings! The Guild name should also have a choosable frame and an option to set it semi-transparent!)

(edited by iLLuminati.9437)

Login server down free trial?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iLLuminati.9437


I wonder how’d they, break the news of every item and character being lost in this proccess

Login server down free trial?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iLLuminati.9437


Yes me and a friend just got booted saying our free trial has ended , althought we have been playing since launch

Than it was about time! c(:

The BlackLion Trading Co. has cheated me!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: iLLuminati.9437


Your own screenshot invalidates your argument that you were cheated. You can clearly see both items and their respective prices at the same time on your screen. They did not hide the cheaper item from you nor did they change the prices after you bought them.

I clicked it from the advert, where there were no comparisons.. -.-

The BlackLion Trading Co. has cheated me!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: iLLuminati.9437


You guys do not see the problem here, just blame me for my mistake…
Was this mistake not there, i would not have bought it right?

Come on guys, none of you find this a little bit disturbing ?

The BlackLion Trading Co. has cheated me!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: iLLuminati.9437



I have a concern about a cosmetic item from the BLTC (BlackLion Trading Co.)
I recently purchast the “Designer Hoodie” (Town Cloths) for 400???? Gems…
…while the “Casual Hoodie” (noticed it after) only costs 200????!

They are the same thing other than the pattern on it which is hardly eligible for being charged twice the ???? Gems for it! I would argue!

I feel like this is a rip-off, sort of like buying a T for $5 or one just the same but “designer marked” for $50…

I don’t want my Gems back or being compensated in any way for it, i JUST WANT IT REMOVED, or redesigned with more visual difference other than patterns, so that no other person will fall for it!
Claiming the game to be as artistic as it is, you guys should have had more imagination designing that Hoodie!

Ps: The choices in cosmetic gear in the BLTC is terrible, there are no diversitys, no products what so ever to choose from.. I feel like if i want to change my look, i HAVE to buy one of one items to doit, looking just like another player who didn’t have a choice!

