Showing Posts For iMANIC MONKEY.3726:

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: iMANIC MONKEY.3726


my suggestion is an automatic auto balancing system control the number of players in one instance of WvW. this is to fix situation where there are 10 vs 100.
there needs to be a minimum team size where the auto balancing system is not active so it will not stop players from playing WvW when other servers are not active, but also enough players to over come the npc resistance. i.e the auto balance will not be active with less than 50 player (for example server1: 20 server2: 32 server3: 49)
however over the minimum player limit the game automatically auto balances the server team size within that instance to keep them balanced. i’m not saying kick player if there are too many, but no more players can join from the server with too many people until the teams are back to being equal (or close to equal).
for example:
s1: 230
s2: 232
s3: 287 = block until more equal
probably poorly explained but I think it could work.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: iMANIC MONKEY.3726


Auto-loot Option:

In its current form it is difficult to pick up loot in the open world from defeated NPC’s, in PvP especially WvWvW the loot is transported to the player but in the heat of battle it can be a distraction to have to look around for the places where you would had stood when in combat to look for loot that you may had missed. so as you only get loot from kills that you start and or finish, and you are the only one that can see it and then pick it up; why not have the loot automatically given to the player once the enemy is defeated? or if players prefer the original method, at least have an option in the menu for players that prefer loot to be picked up automatically.

If there are group loot “need or greed” rolls in the game have the option to “need or greed” come up when using auto loot and then give the item to the winner of the roll.

thank you