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Guild wars 2 lag, decent spec computer.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


drivers are up to date, I have turned the graphics to minimum but I’m still getting these fps drops/lag spikes… very kitten anoying.

I was going to buy an extra 8gb of ram this weekend, considering its only $50. Any chance this could help?

(edited by iMoLaTe.2354)

Guild wars 2 lag, decent spec computer.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


Ok so I’ve been getting a bit of lag in guild wars 2… I’m not sure why or were this is coming from.

My specs:

p8z77 v-lx
gtx560ti – o/c > 1ghz
3570k – o/c > 4.5ghz
8gb 1333mhz ram
625w psu
128gb ssd

Internet speed, > 14mbps.

Nvidia control panel – let nvidia decide > maximum power performance, single display performance.
High power management plan.

gw2 settings

All high, native, med shadows.

I sit on around 45 fps center lions arc on these settings, 40 fps in events, I have vert sync on due to screen tearing in open lands.

I am getting a small lag spike every 10-20 seconds, this is extreamly frustrating, I was getting this before o/c, and I am still getting it.

3dMark 11 Basic results

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


are you guys running the basic version?

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


tried that.. didn’t work

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


has anyone found a fix on this yet? … =\

Some tips to help with the FPS problem.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


wait.. varna is saying cpu, sawgrim is saying gpu… what do I change it to? :P

PhysX proccessor?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


Should i be running this from the cpu or gpu?

Some tips to help with the FPS problem.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


Ive done everything except the VGA option, because its not there… No increase in fps

Some tips to help with the FPS problem.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


keen to try this.. but cbf until some other people confirm sorry :P

I have turned the power settings to high performance, and disabled hardware acel, I don’t have a VGA option? just gpu and cpu…

Also, not to sure how to create a profile in nvidia c/p

(edited by iMoLaTe.2354)

Getting some lag...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


No there are no aus servers =\ I’m connecting to US

I have turned the graphics down and I do notice its still a little jumpy, i get a jump every 5-10 seconds or so? my fps sits at around 40 in lions gate? not sure during an event..

Getting some lag...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


So Recently I just bought a new system, these are my specs

intel i5 3570 3.4ghz 6mb cache
nvidia gtx560ti (asus, if it matters)
8gb ddr3 1333mhz ram
ocz 128gb agility 4 ssd
p8z77-v lx asus MB
coolermaster 650w psu

Im from Western Aus and when I run a speedtest im sitting on 25ms and 14 mbps

With these specs, should I be experiencing any lag issues? Its nothing major, but it gets a little jumpy from time to time, I’m not sure if its my hardware, or location/internet speed… as the system is new it obviously has a new install of windows so its fairly fresh, I’m only running gw2 and my OS from the ssd drive.

My gfx settings are auto-detected

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iMoLaTe.2354


same error =\ zz

running a gtx560ti, intel 3570 3.4ghz processor , 8gb ddr3 1333mhz ram, latest graphics driver. OCZ agility 4 sata III 128gb ssd drive.

I went all out and reinstalled windows to try fix this, i purchased my system 4 days ago, i HIGHLY. doubt its faulty hardware.