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in PvP

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


Oh hey! That’s me, “Not Tonight.”

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Keep the dead, you know, dead

in Lore

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


Now, what I’m trying to say is that adding a hardly clever twist to the same plot device is anything but refreshing or new. Spirits, ghosts, undead, minions. whatever you want to call it, what it boils down to is using the same story to further the plot/lore. I absolutely hate spending time in Orr simply because I can’t stand fighting another undead thing. “What should we do to make the starting Charr area better? Oh, how about undead ascalonian?”, “Man we need to give the players strong enemies to face for this powerful being, oh, how about undead orrians?”, “Dang, what about Elona? Well remember that Palawa Joko? How about his undead elonian servants?”

Yeah, real nice. Since Guild Wars 1 to this game. It’s continuing in the same cycle. Make story really interesting > introduce undead > defeat the master of the undead. Rinse, repeat.

Honestly, there’s a huge world of Tyria to expand on. Why must Necromancy play such a large role in the story? If this is how it’s going to be, might as well rename the game to Zombie Wars 2.

I’m just saying. If there are plans to expand on the world of Tyria. By all means, using the undead plot device should be avoided.

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Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


I, like others am just this skill point away from a shiny star beside my name.

We have quite an amassing number of people waiting for this skill challenge in Yak’s Bend server. Would be grateful if a GM could do us the same favor.

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Keep the dead, you know, dead

in Lore

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


Now, I love Guild Wars lore and it’s one of the key selling points of the game, or that is how it is for me; however, there’s one thing that’s really starting to grind my gears about the lore. The undead, risen, dead people alive again. All that jazz, it’s a common truth that undead minions and the like has been a recurring theme throughout the Guild Wars universe. When we first enter Kryta in Prophecies then again when we kill undead Rurik, then once more with Shiro in Factions. Then again a third time with Palawa Joko in Nightfall.

Alas, the story of our zombie friends doesn’t end just yet in GW1 but makes another appearance in GW2.

I’m not sure if Grenth is getting lazy or if it’s truly that easy to rise an army of undead but I am really starting to hate the same reappearing plot device. It’s getting boring, predictable and honestly something that is truly killing the story.

Please don’t use it again for any further projects (Although we’re fairly certain that won’t be the case for Elona, should we ever get to go there). There’s a lot more to the world of Tyria than just bringing back the dead over and over again for us to fight.

Am I the only one getting tired of undead things?

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Dwarves in Expansion?

in Lore

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


They’re alive, yet labeled a dying race based on the fact that they can’t reproduce

They had all gone the rite of the Great Dwarf to be turned into stone. (Ogden Stonehealer to be the last one to do so) So where are they? Under the depths of Tyria stilling fighting the destroyers or perhaps a new monster against the Elder Dragon that still slumbers underneath the earth.

I’d take a gander and say when we do face that dragon (perhaps in an expansion?) the dwarves would make yet another appearance. Don’t hold your breath though. There’s a certain romance in having a race sacrificing themselves for the greater good of all.

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Ranger Update - I feel it's bad

in Ranger

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


Some people were farming revive stats for the Title (Combat Media I think?) via getting their pet killed intentionally, bringing it back. Reviving it, then sending it off to die again. Rinse, repeat.

Or at least that’s what I saw. I’m sure there were more reasons to it. But if you want the most out of your pet. You will need to build your character around being a superior beast master. That is, to get and use the animal based signets with the beast master trait, using commands, using the active effects of the signets and switching your pet all at the right time. Not to mention using the right pet for the right situation. That is, Bear for tanking. Snow leopard/Jaguar for some serious DPS (They’re a crit based animal that can really do some damage)

Keeping my pet alive is fairly easy to me. If pets are giving you that extra trouble that you don’t need. I’d suggest not using them. (Of course that’s not an option as of yet, I suppose you could use them for the cosmetic appeal, no?)

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Humans: A dying race?

in Human

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


I wouldn’t say that they’re a dying race but they’re definitely a race that holds a tragic story. Especially if you take a look at the burden that they truly foster from fresh wounds given to them by Charr. (Albeit it’s been 200 years)

As others have mentioned, the humans are having the time of their lives in Elona and Cantha (And perhaps elsewhere?). Which I’m absolutely sure we will explore in further expansions to GW2. I don’t know about you but I personally like Palawa Joko. He’s a pretty kitten undead king with a sense of humor. (I hope they keep him as he was in GW1)

Though what I really like about Humans is their city. In comparison to the rest. I really find it well done and clearly a top amongst the rest.

What makes humans really interesting is their relationship with their Gods (With the silence of the Gods and all). I think that they’ll take a route similar to the Charr and forsake anything except for their own might. (Perhaps in GW3). Eitherway, Humans are by far the most interesting as of yet. Or atleast in my opinion.

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Prayer to Dwyana healing skill needs buff

in Human

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


Speaking of racial skills, I think Hounds of Balthazar skill needs to be changed so the dogs last until they die, similar to a necromancer’s fiend skills. The skill should begin recharging once they dogs die. Considering the skill needs 30 skill points to buy and has a 2 minute recharge time, why do the dogs only last 30 seconds? It would be nice to have this on my warrior for crowd control, but only 30 seconds of support doesn’t make the elite worth using over Signet of Rage.

It actually has a 4 minute cool down. (240 Seconds). I believe the skill is absolutely fine as it is. Pardon me for my unpopular opinion. They’re called Elites for a reason, which is to be used when you’re in a real pickle. Not to have an everlasting effect that can unbalance your strength in the long run. I use my hounds with my pet all buffed up to get some serious meatshields on Vets, champs or a group of mobs. But anyway, all that side. I rarely have to use an elite. If you’re in a position where you need to spam elite skills to survive, then that’s a pretty clear indication that there’s something wrong with your build.

As for Prayer to Dwyana? I believe it to be an useless skill as well. Though I always figured that it had something similar to what we had in GW1’s “Gods Favor.” That is, I was expecting that the skill would become stronger if the world was granted “Gods Favor.” Though much to my surprise gods play a very lacking role in GW2. Alas, I’m not a fan of this skill since it doesn’t play a real lore integrated part at all.

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Well the game is running for a awhile now... just to know it's not me..

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


I crash quite often (Though it’s not a CTD (Crash to Desktop). I get a random black screen with none of the game functioning with the exception of the music and the mouse cursor. These crashes have a thing for their timing. They make me crash in boss fights, dungeons and personal story leading me to stop these activities until a fix comes up.

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Glory earned in PvP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


I don’t believe you can use Glory for anything outside of PvP.

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Weapon colors

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


In GW1 it was quite possible. But it was usually restrained to the hilt of your weapon.

Something similar might occur in GW2 though it seems unlikely and/or not coming in the foreseeable future. In other words, don’t hold your breath.

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This game is hard to figure out. Severely lacking in directions.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iPhoenixi.4793


From what I’ve seen so far. The game is really designed for you to jump into the action and learn as you go along. The learning curve in the game is short and after doing a few events in the dynamic world you should quickly grasp the general direction of how the game works and how you should play.

It’s part of the games immersion to just throw you in the midst of the story and have you realize what’s happening in each area. That is, you jump in, do a few Tasks/hearts and realize the bigger picture, “Oh! I see, so this place is having trouble with Centaurs who want this land.”

The game is, in reality, a very easy game to learn. It seems to me that you want to make it more complicated than it is really is. Right off the bat, what you and many newcomers should do is start exploring, talking to NPCs, people and cities. I’m sure that will pretty much eliminate the need for you to do offline research.

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