Showing Posts For iPhyre.4183:
not sure why the picture didnt post… but it’s basically falling rocks from the fungus among us challenge where the circles are supposed to show, but aren’t. i’ve submitted help tickets and feel ignored the entire time.
i’ve attached an example below.
I feel like this should be a wider issue… but i cant seem to find ANYTHING on this. i think a lot of radeon players may not know it exists… i watch youtube vids of players who see the tell-tale signs of AoE circles, yet in game i cannot see them. i’m running a radeon 290x, maxed graphics, i’ve even fiddled with lower settings. I had some 4950’s in CF on an old computer and had the same issue. my buddy on his 970, sees them zero issue.
it’s aggravating because a lot of achievements are locked behind dodging things like this for either directly or timed events. i cannot be the only player dealing with this issue…
meanwhile on my zerker necro, i’m plowing through content… i had to stop playing my thief, it was becoming frustrating to no limit.
im gonna bench my thief for now… thieves/rogues/assassins have always been my thing, but GW2 devs seem to have a… well let’s just say i think they wish they had never made the class like they do with dungeons.
About 3 or 4 months ago, i saw something about having to log in to reserve season 1 of the living story in the journal. Well, I was on a long hiatus from the game and decided to come back (and I realized now how much I missed the play-style). I logged in during that time about 3 months ago and didn’t think i’d have much to fear, so i decided to go back to my personal story and try and finish it( I’m one for linear processing). Now that season 2 has started I do not have season 1 in my journal and I’m about done with my personal story(so slow I know).
Did me logging in not reserve my character(s) for season 1 story, or did I need to complete even a partial of the story line in season 1 to reserve it? If that’s so I was very confused by the wording of just “log in”. Will there be any way I can still get season 1 of the story?
Thank you jackaljag.
Thank you Khisanth and Lazuli. Both of you have aided me in answering the question.
one more question; would he be allowed to be added to my guild?
So i’ve been an on and off GW player for a while, when GW2 first came out i was lvl 80 in a few days, the game was fast paced, the world was exotic with nostalgic points scattered about. The history the lore was all still there(not sure how an asuran can have the human as an ancestor, but i digress).
My friend recently go into play MMO’s and i was able to convince him to move to GW2 instead of others(he’s not a fan of P2P). However, I’m on Jade Quarry a server that is by and far full most of the time. How will I be able to get my buddy to join my server, and play with him? I read something a bit back about cross-world parties/questings but i’m not 100% sure if that’s already made it’s way into the game and what would be left out if he isnt on the same server comparitively.
personally, i feel they need more cowls in the medium armor field :| since the starter one is the only cowl for like 80 levels >.>
It’s the only thing I’m missing to complete the map. I don’t want to wake up at 5am to do it.
Please fix it.
I think a lot of us are feeling this. The Looah SP is now up(forever how long until it gets broken) so this is the last one in the region.
Someone did say that the server Kaineng has it up and running so you might Xfer over. personally I can’t/won’t due to being on a high pop server, i might not be able to get back
Still bugged as of new update on Henge of Denravi(US)