Showing Posts For iamawesome.4265:

Why the Elementalist is Underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: iamawesome.4265


I want to have the class how it is supposed to be each element is a different kind of play style! Fire is damage aoe/conditions, air is single target damage control abilities, Water is support/heal, and earth is defensive abilities. The difference in weapons should be just weapon range. Ex. Daggers should be more damage then staff but not have nearly the same range.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: iamawesome.4265


I agree with you, but it takes a lot more skill then other classes do!

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: iamawesome.4265


I want to have the class how it is supposed to be each element is a different kind of play style! Fire is damage aoe/conditions, air is single target damage control abilities, Water is support/heal, and earth is defensive abilities. The difference in weapons should be just weapon range. Ex. Daggers should be more damage then staff but not have nearly the same range.