Showing Posts For idmew.6198:

How to defeat Mad King Thorn at level 21?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: idmew.6198


1) No, you’re actually level 80. It scales you up for the instance. I’m only level 19, and I went through that dungeon as lvl 80.

2) Why not just find a group? It’s really easy to find one, just post “lfg mk” in the map channel in Lion’s Arch. Trust me, I’m usually terrible at getting in a group (social anxiety) but I’ve already done it a few times.

I typed “lfg mk” and people joined me right way, thanks for this great tip!
So I beat him twice now with other groups, too bad the rewards weren’t that great.
ohh well, atleast it was a fun event and the theme was perfect.

How to defeat Mad King Thorn at level 21?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: idmew.6198


ohh I didn’t know I’m actually level 80 fighting him.
I managed to get his health down by a quarter, and he moved down one level.
I’ll exit to lion’s arch to see if anybody wants to help me, otherwise this could take all night.

How to defeat Mad King Thorn at level 21?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: idmew.6198


So I’m trying to defeat the Mad King but it’s pretty much impossible for me at level 21.
And it’s only me vs him and his minions there’s no other players helping me.
Am I wasting my time or can I actually beat him?