Ferguson’s Crossing
Showing Posts For ikarirain.2086:
Ferguson’s Crossing
Ramen, there are always going to be a handful who disagree with how you perform. It’s not an easy task to lead and direct people, and more often its a thankless job and you’ll get insults over it. I know this personally because my efforts with the Vanguard often gain me more criticism than what I’d like to admit. All leaders, whether guild leaders, commanders, or other, will get this kind of flak from people who think they have a better idea, but would rather tear down your credibility rather than work hard to prove their own.
Despite all of this, you have a commanders icon, which people look for to group around, so whether you’re good or bad, you’re still a singular point on the map that people can group around. You’re helping our WvW just by having the icon up and ‘doing’ something. I personally can’t vouch for your leadership abilities because I’ve never been in the same map as you long enough to really notice, but you have the icon, and you ARE trying, and that helps, and those who want to tear you down over it are the ones who risk damaging our server further, whether they realize it or not.
Personally, I hope you don’t leave. I hope you can find the reason you need to stick with Ferguson’s.
-Meilin Feigal-
Ferguson’s Crossing
(edited by ikarirain.2086)
Here’s a crazy thought. Save all the updates for the Friday WvW reset, and just update then. No random build improvements that interrupt the game-play. Heck, call it weekly maintenance with the updates the moment a WvW round ends, and so many people will be happier because of it, because, at the very least, they will know when to expect it. Honest to God, there’s no reason for a mid-game build update unless it is to solve a massively critical and serious game flaw or massively abused bug/glitch/hack.
Ferguson’s Crossing