Showing Posts For ivyliivy.5601:

Stuck on 2/5 invasions for Vorpp

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: ivyliivy.5601


WHY do i get punishment if i got DC during the event??
i just want to finish the achievements and i should stay 13 hours in game and can’t do anythings to prvent DC
DC is my fault????

Stuck on 2/5 invasions for Vorpp

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: ivyliivy.5601


last time, i just did 1-2 events in first phase, then find a place that no ppl around and wait until the end and i got my achievements countw
now i just can pary i don’t get DC during the whole event

Stuck on 2/5 invasions for Vorpp

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: ivyliivy.5601


i have done invasions many times and i got DC every times
i got the last rewards every times but still my achievements progress doesn’t move
is it a bug??? it is too wasting the time and i want to get back gauntlet to finish the living story

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivyliivy.5601


yesterday i crashed every 10 mins

Fractals and the lovely "no rejoin" option

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ivyliivy.5601


i always disconnect in the game, other dungeons has no problem cause i can get rejoin my group
Now i can’t rejoin in FOTM, i still in lv1, even i have played this dungeon for many times
FIX IT QUICK!!!!!!!!!

Login Server down in the EU..?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivyliivy.5601


well it lets me log in but when I try to enter the world, it kicks me

i got the same problem too

what is going on?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivyliivy.5601


i got the same problem
i disconnect evey time when i select my char