Showing Posts For jacobwingo.2571:

Looking for a NA SOR Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: jacobwingo.2571


So! Here’s some background on my experience. I started waaay back at release, and played on and off for months till I hit 80 and completed my personal story. From there I basically quit, then sometime after HoT came out I bought that, and still have yet to complete the story.

Bad segue: I’m on EST time, and am looking to play somewhere between casually and semi-hardcore, depending on my schedule. As for what I’m interested in doing I’d like to do WvW and I have an interest in the Raid, because I’ve never actually raided in an MMO before.

IGN is Axislight, and I’m a Guardian (Dragonhunter), I hope I’m what you’re guild is looking for.

Old Player Coming Back, What Did I Miss?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jacobwingo.2571


I haven’t played since I completed the primary story, about 2 months after release. I barely ever even scratched PvP, End game, and all that other jazz. I don’t even have a clue as how this living world thing works.

But, the games installing, I’m reading guides, and was wondering if you guys could give me a crash course in what I missed, or at least link some helpful articles or guides, stuff to get me back into the groove.

Of course, I’ll be starting from scratch with a new character.

Rate/Help Out My New Build!

in Guardian

Posted by: jacobwingo.2571


Nothing? I would really appreciate help with this build.;T8AAzypESJlSNlSKqmMNJay2krJZTDB2CMFA

Updated version

(edited by jacobwingo.2571)

Rate/Help Out My New Build!

in Guardian

Posted by: jacobwingo.2571


I call it Flames Of Justice, it’s a Burning/Shout build.

It’s main feature is burning a lot, and using shouts to keep myself stronger mid battle.

I like it but it is not complete, first of all, should I get rid of "Save Yourselves!’ from another burn attack, or keep it for the boons? I know I am keeping “Retreat!” so that I can get Aegis as much as possible, and in turn burn foes when it pops.

Secondly, I was thinking I would use a Mace and Focus, though i could go sword/focus. The Focuses block skill would really keep people burning, but would a sword or a mace attribute more to burning? I can’t really see either doing all that much for it.

Next, are there any traits I could swap out to keep burning up?

Finally, what runes should I go for on my gear? Something that increases condition damage right?

Shout Build Help

in Guardian

Posted by: jacobwingo.2571


Nice name btw.

And I don’t see why Meditation would be best for solo. I almost have tons of boons on me form my skills, and always am constantly gaining Aegis from my shouts. for a Solo Tank, I think these shouts are dominating. I’m unstoppable atm(have to game minimized for this) and I simply haven’t gone under 80% health unless I was fighting a boss enemy. I really like the build i made(see above).

Though what should I name it? Unrelenting Honor? Honorgaurd? Honorlicious? Super Omega Defense Shouts?

Shout Build Help

in Guardian

Posted by: jacobwingo.2571


Thanks guys! Your suggestions are really helpful, and I am making a few changes to my planned build.

that’s what I’m thinking atm. And for the most part, this is more of a Solo PvE build. So i want to focus on applying Boons to my self, and do a little bit of self healing.

Is there anything I should change?

Shout Build Help

in Guardian

Posted by: jacobwingo.2571


So I’m working on a Tank/Shout Build, and was hoping to get some help, or new ideas.

Currently(Lvl 40):
Mainly Uses Mace+Shield, Rarely switches to a Great Hammer.

Healing Skill:

7 Key Skill:

8 Key Skill:
Hold The Line!

9 Key Skill:
Save Yourselves!

Tome Of Wrath

Valor: 10
+5% toughness is given as a bonus to precision

Honor: 10
Shouts recharge 20% faster

Virtues: 10
Gain 30 seconds of retaliation whenever you are dazed, stunned, knocked down, knocked back, or feared(22 second cool down)

Currently, I’m not going to post my armor stuff, but when I hit level 45 I’ll be equipping an entire set that Gives me a ton of Vitality and Toughness.

I was planning on leveling my Valor and Honor to 30, and keeping Virtues at 10. should I do that, or level something else up to 30?

Should I change my elite skill to renewed focus? Other then that, should I swap out for any other shouts?

Ascalonian Catacombs Bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jacobwingo.2571


I was trying to play with a group last night. None of us had beaten it yet, but we couldn’t seem to get in at all. We would walk to the gate, click join story mode, and nothing would happen. We tried for a good half hour. On the rare occasion we got in, we were alone, and if two party members got in, they would be in separate instances.

I really wish the story mode versions would be solo able, so be like me, who are generally solo players could do it.

Anyways, are there any known fixes for something like this?