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New Phantasm Problem with 12/3/12 Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jcdish.7198


This is incredibly frustrating. I was already slowly burning out from rng not dropping infused rings for me. Now I find out that Anet’s priorities are fixing fractal exploits, which is something that really didn’t detract from the fun people were having. The things that were un-fun, like the DC issue, rng screwing some people out of rings (and thus progression) are left to yet another patch.

And then I see that they broke cliffside, which made FotM not worth doing at all until some player finds a confirmed workaround to the boss issue.

Aaaaaaaaand then I find out that they broke phantasms further, which means I’m now subpar dps in dungeons, and can’t kill enemies in WvW. I can’t even go do some jumping puzzles to pass the time, cos hey, Anet broke jumping too.

Sorry, Anet. Your game is no longer fun.

Alternate Ascended Backpeices FotM vendor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jcdish.7198


Its 40 crystals + gift of ascension(500 tokens) + dungeon backpiece(1350 tokens) + 1 vial of condensed mists essence

Rather Work on Legendary than Ascended Items

in Crafting

Posted by: jcdish.7198


There is actually a far cheaper method of getting an ascended backpiece. Basically, 1x Prototype Capacitor + Gift of Ascension + Vials of Mist + Crystals/Philosopher Stones = Ascended Prototype Capacitor.

Yes, this requires a bit of grinding for fractal shards (1350 + 500), but no T6 mats, no Ecto required.

Original thread, credits to Goldenrice for finding this.

Low FPS since the minor patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jcdish.7198


I know there is a low FPS thread, but bear with me.

I’ve had decent FPS since headstart. 40-60 fps in lions arch, nothing great but very playable. Since the minor patch that went out a couple of days ago (the one that only updated the launcher without downloading anything after that), my FPS has dropped to single digits, and I’m by no means the only one experiencing this. I’ve tried lowering my settings to no effect – setting everything to medium/low from the initial high did not improve FPS significantly. I went from 1 FPS to 5.

I have the latest drivers, barring beta drivers, installed, so I know its not that. No other game on my PC is affected – XCOM, Dishonored all still run the same. That’s why I’m starting a thread specifically for people who had no FPS problems until the recent patch. Whatever Anet did, it broke the game for a number of people.

Here are my system’s details:
i5 760 OC’s to 3.8 GHz
AMD HD5870
Windows 7 64 bit

Please Anet, take a look at the last patch and see if there’a any fix for this. The game is unplayable now.

(edited by jcdish.7198)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jcdish.7198


They definitely changed something after the minor update. Was previously running 40-50 fps in lions arch looking at the mystic forge. Now I’m in the single digits and can’t play at all.

Shame. I was back from a break after playing xcom but now I can’t play gw2. Is anet aware of this issue?

dissun's mine skill challenge bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jcdish.7198


Fixed on Henge of Denravi.

Fellow Denravian (? Henger?) here. Good to know. I can finally complete that map.