Showing Posts For jhav.2697:

Armor to get for a new player's WvW build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: jhav.2697


Hi everyone, I just got the game the other day and used the boost to hit lvl 80. I went throw the HoT zones and got all the hero points for my Necro, and in doing so got a start on a decent grasp of the game. So question:

I enjoy just going along with the zerg in WvW, so I picked this build:

It seems to be working well and fun for what I want to do in WvW. However, I am kind of lost on even where to start on working towards the armor I need for this build? Thus my question is if someone can give me some advice or point me to a resource to find out how I should start my journey on getting armor for this build.

(edited by jhav.2697)