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My humble opinion on WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: jinxlaw.9467


I understand nothing can be done about the first point.
However, let me clarify myself on the second point. By “GvG League” i meant something similar to this game’s system:

My humble opinion on WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: jinxlaw.9467


I just want to share my opinion, on what i think could make WvW great and fun again.

First things first, when you think about WvW, you immediately think “Blobs”, that is the sad thing about. However WvW was never meant to be so blob focused.

I suggest to put on an anti-zerging mechanism, and go back to the roots of how WvW was supposed to be like.
Bet my account, someone on the dev team suggested anti-zerging at some point.

Anyways, its not so hard to see that WvW isn’t going anywhere. On top of it’s shallowness and mindless game of outnumbering your enemy, it needs to be reworked.
Also i highly doubt a new expansion will add depth into WvW.

but anyways, WvW needs to be reworked to fit the profile of small groups.

Secondly, GvG. Whether you like it or not, its there.
ANET, refuses to acknowledge its existence which quite frankly, made good players quit the game.

Imagine GvG as an “Untapped oil well”, if dug, filtered and distributed and sold right, will make you a fortune, and i think GvG deserves to be handled properly.
Tons of new mmorpg’s are giving GvG so much attention, and where do you think those guilds will be heading?

Anyways, for example, you create a “GvG League” mechanic where guilds can fight and whoever wins, gets points to rise UP in the leaderboard of the league.
Of course, not every guild will be in the leaderboard just the ones that specifically request joining that leaderboard, with minimum 15 players on each guild.

The GvG League should be like: One GvG won = rewarded certain points,
One GvG lost = No points given/ or, you lose points.

A mixture of the English Premier League scoring and PvP League scoring with a few tweaks.
However, every month the leaderboard score will be reset to give guilds another chance to try harder for 1st Rank next time.

I honestly have tons more ideas, but i’m feeling skeptical about WvW and GvG ever changing, so i will not bother.

Anyways sorry for the long post.
Hope someday WvW will become how it should be.

Thank you for reading and bless you.

(edited by jinxlaw.9467)

Official Feedback Thread: WvW Reward Tracks

in WvW

Posted by: jinxlaw.9467


Everything is great, except that the reward tracks are a copy paste of the pvp one’s.
It’s just that WvW should have special WvW rewards, something that players will want to hop into wvw and will want to get.
For example, ascended gear/weapons.
Most WvW core players have to do fractals to get them. Why not make them rewards at the end of specific tracks.
Cool looking wvw skin rewards are also a high motivator.