Showing Posts For jogq.6721:

Divinity Guide

in Lore

Posted by: jogq.6721


It’s not that humans are supposed to have unparallelled omniscient knowledge, is that the precious context they have being former inhabitants of most of known Tyria and the registers from it is under utilized.

The asura can’t compare to such knowledge of the land and the species before since they lived underground, and charr were neither as spread out (in regards to the current game map) or possessed the kind of academical culture of humans (their historical understanding mostly militaristic) to justify them filling the role of humans as having the largest understanding of surface Tyria throughout history. Norn knowledge of the land is mostly relegated to history on the northern shiverpeaks, now Jormag domain and the sylvari are too young.

The existence of the Priory and Whispers as greatly powerful organizations, two human founded orders dedicated to knowledge suggests that the tragedies of centuries past didn’t really take enough of a toll on human records to justify the current treatment of humans as unable to provide historical context.

The current role of humans in the game is essentially generic with tiny bits of flavor here and there and doesn’t exploit the advantage of gw1 human lore.


in PvP

Posted by: jogq.6721


I love the map, to me it’s the true test of a good player that knows how to use the terrain to his advantage. IMO we need more maps that test people ability to use the terrain just as much as their other skills. Besides it’s a game and I have learned to love dropping to my death because I wasn’t careful of where I was standing.

I don't like Chaos skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jogq.6721


I love them and already got the ticket to get the sword. I like that they are shiny yet more properly proportioned compared to other sets we’ve got before. I don’t mind the apparent reuse of krytan skins, it just makes my new chaos sword fit better with the rest of my warrior equipment while still looking peculiar. To repeat just because I can’t be thankful enough, I’m so happy we got a more properly sized set of weapons, not surfboards and solid metal bows.

Where is new legendary weapon and gear???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jogq.6721


Ascended armor and weapons were introduced last year as well, and legendaries got up’d to ascended and the considerable buff of being able to switch stats, no new legendaries but they were still made a much more valuable, worthy item.

Retribution is beyond broken right now [Merged thread]

in Personal Story

Posted by: jogq.6721


Just came here, after trying pointlessly to complete the courtyard part. Same issue as everybody else, but thought I’d post just so whoever has to fix this remembers than several weeks later the mission is still not fixed (slightly more tolerable if it was a less important mission, but this one is supposed to be one of the highlights of the game, common to every personal story).

I tried for a long while, trying as well to kill the summoners and well I simply couldn’t so I quitted. I have done it five times already and this is the first time I have trouble finishing it, and as its been said its both because of over-leveled enemies, and extremely high respawn rate, the latter something I feel shouldn’t not exist at all in this mission since all it does its add pointless, bothersome padding that doesn’t add anything to the enjoyment of the mission, actually detracting from it.

The character I used this time was a SB thief, so the class should in theory have had an easy time in dealing with the large amounts of mobs. Obviously it went wrong and I’m averse to having to use buffs and res orbs and the like since I’ve haven’t needed those at other times while doing this mission, even when I did it with more problematic and less apt classes like GS ranger. Not much else to say, just hope they take seriously the matter of fixing it.