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Incorrect ascended amulet stats after update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: johnnymanhands.7310


Today’s patch updated ascended items to consolidate the stats, but there appears to have been a bug with the item ids in the conversion.

Prior to the update my amulet had the stats 126 power, +67 precision, +18 vitality & +9% crit damage (ZerkerValk) and is now +112 condition damage, +85 toughness +67 condition & +32 healing power (Rabid + Apoc).

If it helps narrow down the issue, it was slotted with a +5 non AR infusion.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnymanhands.7310


Last night I spent a couple of hours idling in Lion’s Arch. Tonight I didn’t bother logging in at all.

The great tragedy of the new gear tier is that it was introduced in the name of progression, but has in fact killed all sense of progress in the game. By announcing new rings and backpeices that are superior to anything in the game today, you’ve effectively said “don’t bother working towards any of the existing back pieces and rings because they’re going to be salvage fodder after this weekend” and by announcing that ascended pieces will be phased into all other slots over coming patches you’ve effectively said “oh and don’t bother with these either”. Instead of adding a sense of progression between exotics and legendaries, you’ve removed all incentive to progress towards anything but legendaries because they’re the only thing that won’t be superceded by your coming patches.

If this announcement hadn’t come out, I’d probably be out in WvW right now earning badges for my Soldier’s jewellery set to use in a linebacker build for my warrior or farming gold to get some rampages armour for my elementalist. Getting new gear for new builds and new classes, that was “progression”, instead I’m writing a forum post because there’s no point in working towards jewellery or armour that will be soon be worthless.

The thing with gear is that regardless of how many different colours that are on item descriptions, there are only 2 effective tiers:

  • Tier 1: The optimal gear for a build that you want to play
  • Tier 2: Gear you salvage/sell to get optimal gear for a build that you want to play.

In the 700 hrs since launch I’d collected over 50 exotics which I used to run 6 different builds across my 2 level 80 characters. Those exotics have now been relegated from tier 1 to tier 2 and there is no point grinding out sets for new builds if I’ll just have to do it again in a few days/weeks/months. A sadder story belongs to my sub-80 characters, with the new tier being only partially introduced they have no gear to even aim for if they hit the level cap, so they’ll likely never be played.

I’m not adverse to grind, someone does not play as many hours as I do without enjoying it. In fact, I’d shudder to think how many griffons and raptors met their end in my pursuit of loot, but there needs to be a purpose to it and that is where the introduction of new gear tiers hurts the game. If you don’t get to keep the rewards of your effort, then it negates the thrill of getting it in the first place.

I’ve been playing Guild Wars since 2005, have racked up over 8000 hours (including an average of 9.5h/day since the launch of gw2!) and have spent hundreds of dollars on storage, bag slots and character slots – suffice to say I’m about as personally invested in this game as its possible for a player to be. If it were a sport team, I’d be one of those guys in the stands wearing nothing but body paint. When I see you changing the defining quality of the game, I can’t help but be disappointed. I’ll still be logged in at 3am Saturday when the patch goes live, but I know the experience will one filled with melancholy rather than excitement.

I hope that you’ll reconsider the new direction and I’ll get to keep the game I love.

PS. This is the r9 15/-5 Fellblade that dropped for me in 2005 during the first week of Sorrow’s Furnace. It was with me every step for the next seven 7 years, together we saved 3 continents, killed a god, fought our way to hall of heroes and defended our guild against invaders and my new gw2 warrior still wields it today thanks to the hall of monuments. It is as much a part of my Guild Wars story as my warrior was. Having it in no way lessened the excitement when I finally obtained a 15/50 sephis sword, but do think that I as a player would have had the same level of investment in it if I had had to get a new, more powerful one for each of the original expansions?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnymanhands.7310



“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun.” Where did this Arenanet go?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnymanhands.7310


For those that don’t understnd how stats work. The extra 3% magic find on the ring is the equivilent of an extra 67 stat points when applied to other ring types. This is not the adding 2-5 extra stats, it is doubling the effectiveness of the trinket’s primary stat.

This is the worst idea you guys have had since you added title driven skills to gw1. Hopefully the kittenstorm you’ve unleashed in this thread will tell you that this is not what your players want and you’ll correct it before this goes live.