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Ground Targeting AoE - Cast at current target

in Suggestions

Posted by: jovanotti.9781


I’d love to see gamepad support for GW2 officially. The downside would be that I’d have to get a sofa and a TV for my PC too…

Here, here. Mine is already next to the PC.

Ground Targeting AoE - Cast at current target

in Suggestions

Posted by: jovanotti.9781


I support this, and I play on a keyboard lol.

It would be so much more useful to have AoE go off at our target. The reason is some of the ground targeting is fast and intuitive, but other things are just messy and cumbersome.

The Necro staff skills are insanely small of a radius, and good luck getting them to trigger properly in the world with random people pulling the target away from the Necro marks. The Engineer’s Grenade kit is much improved with the 2 tosses in 1, but it still is so slow, since we need to wait for the throw to connect. It is basically micromanaging our skills, since we need to have the cursor lined up, and have the delay factored in with how close or far we are, and manage our own movement and dodging.

I find it straightforward with 1 ground target in a weapon set. But once you add a whole weapon set of nothing but micromanaged skills, it loses much of it’s value. Having it go off at our target location (which I’m already doing 80% of the time) would be very helpful, as the few times I wish to place it elsewhere, it is almost certainly wasted by the actions of my own teammates.

haha yes. I completely agree. I can handle (very awkwardly) 1 weapon skill on my bar….but any more is impossible with my setup.

Right Click -> Preview feature for Trading Post

in Suggestions

Posted by: jovanotti.9781


All, good news. Regina has already confirmed that Anet are working on implementing this.

Ground Targeting AoE - Cast at current target

in Suggestions

Posted by: jovanotti.9781


Not going to happen. It’s different mechanics and it’s called PBAoE.
That’s why two types of aoe exist. ground targeted and PB.

Thanks for your input. I know what PBAoE is….that is completely separate to what I am proposing/asking. I am not asking about ‘point blank’ aoe which is centered around the caster. I am asking for an alternative option for fast casting of ranged GTAoE.

You are asking for aoe casted around your current target. Which is completely different mechanics. In this case you are predicting where your target will stay. In ground targeted aoe you predicting where your target will go.
In any case there are two separate things are not going to merge.
Elementalists have at least one such fire spell on staff.

I understand what you are saying. You are talking about a gameplay strategy….I am talking about a feature I would like added. I would be quite happy to cast GTAoE at my current target instead of ‘leading’ the target – where one places their GT Reticule is ones own decision. For me, please remember that this is due to the fact I cannot play with a mouse and keyboard.

Ground Targeting AoE - Cast at current target

in Suggestions

Posted by: jovanotti.9781


Not going to happen. It’s different mechanics and it’s called PBAoE.
That’s why two types of aoe exist. ground targeted and PB.

Thanks for your input. I know what PBAoE is….that is completely separate to what I am proposing/asking. I am not asking about ‘point blank’ aoe which is centered around the caster. I am asking for an alternative option for fast casting of ranged GTAoE.

Ground Targeting AoE - Cast at current target

in Suggestions

Posted by: jovanotti.9781


Before I begin, please don’t hijack this post and turn it into a keyboard/mouse vs. controller discussion…….

Loving the game!

I have noticed a number of others asking about my issue below for varying reasons.

I have early stage arthritis/RSI and due to this I have to use a controller to play games. I have mapped all necessary functionality to my gamepad using Xpadder and I can tell you it works excellently. I use a special driver to type with the chatpad for xbox. I can dodge, kite and use all 10 skill slots as fast as any keyboard using player.

The only problem is I am limited to playing classes which do not have ‘ground targeted AOE’ as it is almost impossible to map this correctly to a gamepad using modifiers. I would LOVE to be able to play some of the other classes like the Elementalist.

This issue could be fixed very easily by adding one simple thing: Allow Ground Targeted AOE at your ‘current ’target’. This would completely resolve the issue for many of us who cannot rely on cursor fast targeting.

Keep up the fantastic work and I really hope you can find the time to either include my fix above or if i’m very lucky….add full controller/gamepad support. If Tera can do it…i am certain ANet can!!!