Showing Posts For joyb.6214:
So the underlying idea of the linkings is to kill the lower servers one at a time until there’s a manageable amount of servers with high populations?
It’s so unbalanced it is ridiculous. FSP getting not one but two links, and GH getting one that has up til now been used as a cheap t1 bandwagon option. It’s like no actual humans even looked at it before committing.
all of you only have individual collection problems.
I can’t progress because the NPC doesn’t think I have unlocked level 2.
You won’t be seeing me in “the Jungle” since I’m locked out. I’m not spending another dime on this game. I’m seriously considering deleting my account. No wonder they wanted us to pre-pay. ’Sure would not have paid for a locked portal.
Have you done the first part of the story? It unlocks the HoT zones.
I’ve done them all (attempted yesterday) and am stuck at 37/38. So are several guild members. Not sure if some haven’t activated but you’re definitely not alone.
I think it’s due to the new build but I can’t get in either and my SO was playing just minutes ago.