Showing Posts For jque.6940:
First 0/10/0/30/30 works fine with staff, as long as you are good at kiting, the support and DPS it brings in combination with the CC are equal to D/D with a group. Solo D/D out preforms everything because of the ability to end a fight on your terms.
As far as the build is concerned this is the build that the meta game has churned out for us, it utilizes the best traits and complements our best utility skills. It is as simple as that, it is the most effective build to run. If you are looking for other builds you will simply run into the basic fact that other traits are much narrower in terms of usefulness in switching between elements. For example a high fire build requires you to be in fire attunement to make the most out of the traits, the same is true for high earth builds. You could try a high air build but then you will find yourself lacking overall survivability which is hard on a class with a low hitpoint and armor pool to begin with.
The reality is that to maximize your element switching 15-30 arcana is almost a requirement (see numerous posts begging them to change this). 30 Points in water allows you to pick the best major traits as well as the best minor traits (condition clears and AoE heals). Until they change this the 0/10/0/30/30 build is the best build out there for all of our weapon setup’s really.
woah woah woah easy there tiger…
1. Shocking Aura – This a bug fix, it is the only Aura that was able to be dispelled. It is now in line with all Auras.
2. Stone Splinters – The vast majority of dagger main hand and off hand skills are 300 range effectively (except water 1 and fire 1/2 although in both cases if you are using it at max range it is ineffective). So not really a buff to D/D more a buff to S/D is in the majority of cases you are in or around the 600 range.
3. Signet of Air – As many have stated this is more of a global buff as it brings it in line with all speed signets once again less of a buff to d/d that is a perma swiftness setup and more a buff to S/D what had less swiftness.
4. Magnetic Grasp – Was always a leap finisher and was bugged last patch so that when the Fire Aura triggered through a field it was not effected by zephyers boon or elemental shielding. This is now fixed.
5. Pyromancer’s Puissance – Obviously you don’t play the class if you think a D/D is going 30 fire in PvP.
Stone Splinters: Increased range from 300 to 600 units.
Bolt to the Heart: Increased health percent from 25 to 33.
I think both of these have potential to be indirect buffs to scepter as 600 range is very common and 7 percent is very large when you are talking about a large damage increase and both of these already synergize well with potential lines a scepter/dagger ele would go down makes a high burst build look very strong, combine that with the might stacking from the fire trait could be very deadly.
Not a lot of good Focus builds out there TBH although some claim to love running it. I think it just doesn’t look as good on paper as D/D or S/D nothing really jumps out. That being said I ran the below build with my 5 man group for a week and did well.
The idea is basically the same kitten D except you aren’t opening with RTL and Updraft. I opened with air 1 and popped 2 and 3 mid cast once the blind dropped I hit Gale, switched to fire dropped DT and Phoenix depending on my timing also Signet of Earth. Then into water to drop comet and freezing gust and then back to air to finish them off. The problem with S/F is earth is really not that strong offensively and I found I was only using it for defense, it took the place of water in the normal D/D rotation something that I used when I needed to re-position.
Overall I found it worked really well when we had a strong peeler like a guardian or necro but it doesn’t have the ability to deal with melee’s that are good at keeping in melee range. As the flip side since I wasn’t zooming around with RTL I was targeted much less and I could stay on the move and pre-kite when I thought bad things were heading my way in addition when the whole group needed to re-position I could drop enough projectile defense that we could stay mobile and heal up on the move.
I still think D/D is stronger but I defiantly like S/F over S/D.
I believe Majorkong and I are using the same method to make money based on his post. The mystic forge is gambling however what the majority people fail to understand is that the players take the roll of the house in the old saying the house always wins. Part of the reason the house always wins is because odds are skewed in its favor. So as a player all you have to do is find a commodity that the 20% odds skew the price in your favor and forge enough items that those odds become fairly absolute (we are talking about 250-500 forges per run). Unfortunately getting to the point of 250-500 forges costs a fair amount of gold investment.
My recommendation to anyone wanting to gain gold on the TP is crafting. I see all over the forums that crafting is not profitable which is simply not true. All of the armor making professions are capable of making 1-2 gold a day with very little effort.
An example (obviously this is subject to change but currently…):
Level 80 Rare Leather Armor (Noble Explorers) Prices
Total price for entire set is: 2.10g*.85 listing fee = 1.785g or 1g78s50c
Total mats to craft the set is:
90 Claws = 1.125g
70 silk thread = .336g
36 Silk Scraps = .036g
36 Leather Squares = .0288g
Total Mat cost is 1.5258g or 1g52s58c
That is a roughly 25 silver profit I know it seems small but I could sell 8-16 sets a night across all of different items which was 2g-4g and over the weekend if I was strict I could make 15g all with very little invested time maybe 5-10 minutes to do the research in my spreadsheet of current costs and place buy orders then another 15 minutes to craft and re-list. Then once things sold I would repeat. A final piece of advice is be patient if things don’t sell as quickly as you desire.
Disclaimer: This is something I enjoyed doing it was fun for me so my time doing it was enjoyed if this is not what you enjoy or it seems to much like work I recommend finding another path…
Official response is working as intended see below link…
Ditton, I agree this content should try to please everyone and that by changing this it is a hit to people that have already ground out this content (mainly the elitist farmers you are talking about) but I am confused, are you saying that as a PuG or causal guild group it won’t bother you to be the person who needs to run difficulty 10 twenty times to get a ring making you the one holding up your group of causal friends with limited playtime from progressing. I am ok with making the price of the ring extremely high or making it a huge gold sink as long as there is a assured method to getting it.
It seems like people don’t understand what this thread is about. I think everyone knows that RNG is part of the game and that ANET is implementing it left and right but this thread is simply a way for people to express there opinions against this specific instance of that.
I just wanted to leave this article here written 6 months ago by Colin Johanson about the game design. Just read it fully and tell me how it has been forgotten so quickly. This seemed like such a core design idea and now it is gone…
TLDR: “Fun impacts decisions. Every time you finish a dungeon you get tokens you can trade in for reward items that you want, rather than having a small chance of getting it as a drop, because it’s more fun to always get rewarded for finishing with something you want to have!”
Edit: A lot of people are saying that the people complaining about this are elitists or are crying because they got unlucky but it seems that ANET is in the process of pulling a bait and switch. Many of us signed up to play a game that was so clearly outlined in a manifesto and by producers letters as different and new and exciting. Now after 4 months in it turns out that things ANET said they didn’t believe in are just being added anyway. I think it is fair to criticize this, I do not feel I am being dramatic about it, I am not raging or saying I am quitting the game I am just saying that ANET should answer as to why they are taking the game off course and produce a new letter explaining the future of the game so that we can make an informed decision about continuing to play. I suspect if this were a subscription game it would be hemorrhaging users.
(edited by jque.6940)
Oh noes..I have to do lower levels to help other people…what a travesty that my leetness is hampered. Blizzard was RNG all the F’n time, you get a chance to get something nice on bosses but there was never a sure thing for your class and even if it dropped there were others there who rolled for it unless you had a point system for loot. Your guild or group should have no issue running you through a couple lower dungeons to get you the ring imo..
No one in this thread is saying that, my guild group is totally fine running people through content to get that item however what people are saying is that isn’t fun. The point of adding challenging new content is that it puts your skills to the test and if you need agony resistance to even test your skills (which all indications are you do after 20 we will personally test that this weekend when we progress to that) then you need to grind out those lower levels for an unstated % chance at an item to continue.
Fun is what this game is about for my guild (a primarily WvW guild) but on Friday when the dungeon first rolled out we had people who haven’t enjoyed PvE in years say wow this is really fun I could totally see myself doing it. However once you reach the point where you cannot progress past that point without agony resistance or agony resistance given by the back piece. Then it just turns back to farming scale 10 every day hoping people get rings. Personally I will stop doing the content and go back to what is fun for me, PvP, and just hope they roll out ascended stats on other gear before it becomes to much of a stat separation in WvW.
That is terrible, I was hoping this was a bug, I have done the daily at scale 10 four times so far and not gotten a ring. I was really enjoying this content the difficulty was nice and progressively harder and I don’t mind that idea of progression however I am not into the idea of progressing at the rate of an RNG.
What happens after scale 20 when the rings are really required and I am still waiting on an RNG to spit it out for me? Am I then forced to grind out once a day content I can beat with no problem in order to continue playing challenging content with my friends someday?
For all the people that are advocating grinding it out why? The fun part is making it to the next step of challenging content and testing yourself against it. Right now I am at a scale I know I can beat progressing until I cannot but if the reason I cannot progress is because I was not favored with the RNG and not because I wasn’t skilled enough that defeats the purpose and spirit I thought the game was based around. I will simply stop doing the dungeon something that I was enjoying.
In addition the runes that are made by them are not very popular, which also serves to keep the price low as the day to day making of the runes is what keeps prices high on some of the other lodestones.
I know it doesn’t seem like much but 7.5g represents several nights of causal play time for me and would be a set back if not recovered.
And has an actual dollar value
Agreed and if I had used actual dollars to acquire that gold I would be furious.
Although it seems like only a piece of the game the Black Lion Trading Co. and Trading Post represent the whole of the game economy and the backbone of Anet’s monetizing plan post release. If this system cannot be trusted it casts a serious shadow over the games feature money making possibilities. I know based on the posts in this thread I am highly unlikely to use RMT in the near future although it was something I had planned on from release as a simple way to support a game that I very much enjoy.
Same problem many have described. I tried to put in a purchase on Wednesday night after the twitter post saying the trading post was back up. Nothing went through. 3 hours later after the trading post went down I noticed 7.5 gold missing. I assumed like many that it would be caught up once the trading post came back online. However 18 hours after the trading post is back in working order nothing has shown up in my “Items I’m Buying” queue or my “Items I have bought” queue nor has any of the gold been returned in my pickup window.
Like many I am hopeful this issue gets resolved and given the volume of posts (not just in this forum but in the “Game Bugs” and “Personal Account” forums) I assume they are working on it. However the last reply to this post from ANet stated that the trading post reconciles all trades so what is the time frame? Is this an under the radar issue that is not being resolved.
I know it doesn’t seem like much but 7.5g represents several nights of causal play time for me and would be a set back if not recovered.