Showing Posts For jrdnjms.8703:
if this guild spreads over US servers then it would officially go from guild to cult.
[/quote]Why am I not rerolling? Because I get attached to my characters. My engineer has 100% world completion… don’t want to do that again. I’m fully geared (minus ascended) with multiple sets. I can’t stand leveling and don’t ever want to level another character again in this game. I don’t like playing unfinished characters. Bottom line… I made my bed. I know there are many people that don’t mind leveling new characters. I’m just not one of them. [/quote]
so OP’s complaint about the class seems to be not so much the class sucks but more like its not his playing style and now he is too lazy to do another character. i played every class til lvl 30 to get a decent feel of each one and engineer was my last and now engineer is my favorite class. i wish i wouldnt have waited to make him should have been first. i understand there are “bugs” (more people complaining that something doesnt do what they want rather than it actually being the game bugging) but i can deal with them. engineer was the last class the devs made and put in the game so obv we will be last but like every other MMO eventually we are finally gonna get fixed then everyone else will say how engys are OP and need to be nerfed and blah blah blah. either im playing mine and prolly not playing anything else. hell i make a second one just to have a charr and a norn.
is there a mystic forge recipe for the rifle?
i’m not speaking in terms of “traditional” tanking. i know an engineer cannot hold a slew of mobs and stay alive but i don’t see why we cant just throw on the took kit and deal dmg and take dmg. to me that’s the idea the devs had around that hence the reason for a pull and shield in the kit
my suggestion would be either “Cheers for Gears [CFG]” or “Give Engineers A Reason [GEAR]”
but see that’s what i never listen to is the “only things we are good at”. i don’t believe that. there has to be some kind of formula of traits, gear, runes, and skill take can allow an engineer to tank. maybe some traits are working like they should be when reading them you can see where the devs worked in things to let us be in melee range to take dmg and gives us regen and even gave us a melee kit. if no one hasn’t figured it out then i guess i’ll keep working til i find it.
grenade and rifle turret are there for tool belt skills. grenade kit can prolly change but i like the short recharge with the rifle turret belt skill cuz it has the SD bolt on it for great dmg
I didn’t put any sigil or runes cuz I wanted opinion on what I should go for. and I put those major traits really quickly my goal is to get a slew of opinions and bunch them together to form a new build;0B-sPVg0Q63UFx0;9;6JJT;437-28-517;9;5Fh
this is the build i quickly threw together looking for feedback on what to change and what sigils and runes to use.
willing to hear anything.
and how traits work with skills and all
grenade kit and rifle turrent are there for dmg with SD.
Does low health response stack on to backpack regenator?
when you are making a norn male and you go to engineer what is that armor he is wearing with the one spikey shoulder and trench coat?
I like the grenade kit. So I’m looking for a leveling guide which uses grenades as a focal point.
Does the hair trigger trait speed up the rifle one skill since it has a .75 sec recharge rate?