Showing Posts For juno.3968:

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juno.3968


I think it’s a product of game design. There’s plenty of games I play that I socialize with my team and work with others. Dota 2, Natural Selection 2, etc.

MMOs these days are designed with the “alone together” premise. It’s a bunch of people but everyone is doing their own thing unmindful of anyone else. They may as well be bots (in GW2s case often times they are) for all you need them.

It’s just bad design.

Where did everybody go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juno.3968


This is one of the lonelier MMO games I’ve played. Even back when it was just released you would be with piles of people but not really playing with them, you’re more just corralled together with all the sociability of cattle.

These days it’s even worse, I will log in to my 57 (my highest character) and have most zones to myself save for 1 or 2 others.

As much as I wanted to like GW2 I have basically given up on it.