Showing Posts For katsu.6431:
If just it was so easy to farm tokens… Forget it. It’s:
Character A Runs Path 1 of Dungeon X = 60 Tokens
Character A Runs Path 2 of Dungeon X = 60 Tokens
Character B Runs Path 1 of Dungeon X = 30 Tokens
Character C Runs Path 1 of Dungeon X = 15 Tokens
Character C Runs Path 1 of Dungeon X = 8 Tokens
Character C Runs Path 1 of Dungeon X = 2 Tokens
As a person that likes to have lots of alts i only ran Dungeons on my guard (mainly because it was geared) because i thought this is how Tokens were given out already,but from my understanding of what Jon said say you run Path 1 on character A =60 tokens then you run path 2 on character B= 60 tokens then run path 1 on B again (switching) would you get 60 or 30 now? :S
nvm saw the confirmation ~ that’s to bad.
haha those are the higher tier herb seedings that you can find beans cloves a few other herbs in the 60+ zones try looking around for those and let me know.
That’s odd you didn’t run into any vendant or mature herbs the whole time? i’m on blackgate and i noticed that they started to spawn in different spots but are still in the same areas.
anytime! next on the list is finding an good spot for chill pepper.
Hey guys over the last few days i spent a bit farming for vanilia beans with little to no luck besides the starting zones but as of today it would seem that the drop rate for them has been increased! (happy days right?), i’ve dotted down a great spot in mout maelstrom 60-70 zone (sorry i haven’t found a low zone yet for them) reason why this place is so good is because there’s barely any veggies though this may not be useful i thought it would be good for those that are lost and a bonus is you can also pick up cloves that are worth a decent amount
Here’s the map i would suggest you be at least mid 60 another thing is at the very bottom there’s a artichokes patch but it’s guarded by a 67 vet!.
over hours of looking all over for them i found the best spot is the Sylvari starting zone
just look for herb seedings i dotted down the spots i know of where you can find em best bet is to get a alt at least level 9 and run around to WP to WP GL!
So much butter! ,i would love for them to change back or just make them normal drops like eggs and not rewards from supply bags seeing as that was one of the best ways to get crafting mats