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Done with this class

in Engineer

Posted by: kdogprime.2368


I did use my kits, quite extensively, but I used my turrets as they were intended, additional firepower, or as a distraction from myself/party.

I almost never went full turret mode, but I still used them. I was a better engineer when I could throw a turret to where it was needed, and know that it would last long enough to do what I needed it to do.

Now…there’s no point. Engineers are just elemental-lite. They’ve lost part of what made them unique. Not to mention all the other trait changes they’ve recently suffered, which just makes the class less enjoyable.

Did Anet nerf turrets to make drones worthwhile? We won’t know until we see the engineer specialization and what drones do, but that won’t make a difference to me, because I’m not buying the expansion. It’s overpriced for starters, and I don’t like most of the current “good” builds for the engineer, because currently the only turret that has any reasonable use is the Healing Turret.

I have a feeling that drones will just act like minions or pets. That means the engineer doesn’t feel like an “inventor” sort of class anymore. It just feels like another type of spellcaster, and that’s not what I want to play.

(edited by kdogprime.2368)

What if......

in Engineer

Posted by: kdogprime.2368


Yeah, thematically, it does look cool.

Just like turrets…

Done with this class

in Engineer

Posted by: kdogprime.2368


I come back to this game from a 6 month hiatus, and I find my engineer has been rendered lame.

Turrets are useless now.

No ground targeting because PvP players complained that the turrets were getting put in places where they couldn’t be reached with melee.

Turrets are now affected by conditions that they have no business being affected by, but can’t be buffed.

I can now have turrets that generate boons without having to spend resources or complete a quest to get that skill, but I can’t have my Mecha Legs at the same time. Since I can’t throw turrets anymore, I have to move at normal speed from one place to another, and set them up one at a time instead of in a couple of seconds.

Thanks to this, turrets last less time than they used to in PVE, to the point where it’s not even worth using one. Since I’ve come back to the game, I’ve not run across a single Engineer using any turret except the Healing Turret, which lasted about as long as dry ice on a hot sidewalk.

I may be just a casual player, and I’m not one of those PvP e-sports types, and maybe I’m crazy, but since when did the Engineer become a direct DPS/condition build? Have I missed the point of having a character with the smallest selection of weapons in the game having turrets to begin with?

I don’t have a problem with turrets taking critical hits. That’s a valid nerf, but the rest is just going overboard. Anet has pretty much taken away one of the engineer’s biggest advantages, and made that class the worse for it. Is that not the point of an engineer; To have his inventions and wacky gadgets do the heavy lifting for him?

Bottom line, I’m not buying the expansion, and I’m putting serious consideration into giving up GW2 altogether. My engineer was my primary and the class I most liked playing. If Anet is going to take away my enjoyment, I’m going to spend my free time and money elsewhere.

And just so I can silence all the “get gud” replies, I did use my kits, my elixirs, my flamethrower and my elixir gun, not just my turrets. But I combined certain turrets pretty effectively with those kits, and now, those tactics go out the window because some people complained enough. I liked my turrets. They made the engineer feel unique.

Sound salty to you? You’re right. Saltier than the Dead Sea.

(edited by kdogprime.2368)

Scaling quest item rewards

in Personal Story

Posted by: kdogprime.2368


I’d like to ask why the items you get with your personal story quest rewards don’t scale with level? Is there any reason why this shouldn’t happen?

If you are like me, you spent a lot of time exploring the world, learning how to craft, doing the dynamic missions, etc. All these things earn you XP. I didn’t come back to my personal story until I was lvl 15. Much to my disappointment, the gear I was rewarded with was far below the level I was at.

Since almost every action you do in the game gives you XP, I found that I wasn’t ever able to catch up my personal story to where my level was. Hence, all my rewards were pretty much useless, which sort of defeats the purpose of having unique gear rewards for your personal story.

If Star Trek Online can have level-appropriate item rewards for quests, why can’t GW2? If you are at lvl 15, you should get a lvl 15 item as a reward.