So I’m replaying season 2 to get the achieves I didn’t already have, and not a single one will unlock for me.
Example, in the mission where you travel with Canach to rescue Caithe in the silverwastes, there is an achieve where it asks you to mine every single mordrem body, I did this, completed the instance, no achieve, I did it again, this time I made sure the Mordrem exploded each mine (even though this isn’t asked in the description) once again no achieve. I do the mission a third time, this time going for the achieve where you don’t mine any of the mordrem, completed the mission, and you guessed it, no achieve, also, there’s another achieve where it asks you to keep your pact soldiers alive until you rescue caithe, I made sure to do this in all of my prior attempts, I didn’t get that achieve either. These are just a few examples, as this has happened to me with several other achieves.