Showing Posts For kinome.4236:

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kinome.4236


The thing I find so humorus about all this are the people coming into this thread for the sole purpose of antagonizing or belitting those who feel like they are being played like a slot machine by ANet.

I get the impression that while some of you are simply trolling, the rest of you might be under the impression that you are above this issue or it doesnt pertain to you, so why not have some fun poking these dumb entitled kids and getting them riled up. Amirite?

What you fail to realise is: you are in the same boat we are. You are just too dense to realise it.

Players burned by a ridiculously low drop rates for cosmetic items will do two things, spread bad word of mouth about the game and be less inclined to spend money for gems in the future.

Less sales of gems means less money ANet has to develop content. Making cosmetic items so rare they rival other games epic mounts or cost almost as much as a legendaries to craft is already driving the prices of them up to astronomical heights.

Devs cant keep servers up and running, cant keep developing quality content without MONEY. The result of people buying less gems from this will be a direct impact on the quality of game content developed for this title. Sure it might not be immediate or obvious in the next few days. Hell, you might not even see it for months. Good or bad every pebble dropped into a pond leaves ripples, those ripples will be felt by everyone who plays and enjoys this game sooner or later you can buhlee dat.

So the next time you see a mass of bots lying dead and naked somewhere. The next time you grit your teeth and curse because that gold spammer has spammed his message for the umpteenth time in the past 10 min. The next time you feel the need to post about how a certain event that ANet rolled out was uninspired and boring. The next time you feel like lamenting how prices on items on the BLTC keep rising. The next time you feel that there doesnt seem to be enough players to do x or y. The next time you feel the need to gripe complain or whine about something the devs are doing to cut corners as far as content is concerned.

Remember one thing …… we TRIED to tell the devs the correct way to fleece our wallets. We tried to tell the devs just the right way to get money for microtransactions from us. All for the purpose of making sure their coffers were filled and quality content was consistently pumped out.

All YOU did was come into this thread and make an kitten of yourself.
Carry on.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kinome.4236


As fail of an mmo as it was, look to swtor for the correct way to do an event like this. running the event daily nets you costume pieces that are bound to that toon. Other items like saber crystals and pets can be purchased from an event vendor for special event currency and sold on the ah for profit. Now I get that gw2 is free to play and requires income from some source other than subs.

You have four basic problems here, one the cosmetic items are so rare they command exorbitant prices in the ah. Two the crafted versions require mats and time that are going to command a stupidly high price to buy on the ah. Three the gem to gold exchange rate is a joke. Four you have now soured your playetbase on spending money on your game anymore.

I work a good job, I have some disposable income to throw around, last night I blew about 30 dollars on gems to open some 40 or so lockboxes. didnt get crap. so now youve basically killed any goodwill and potential future sales with me forever.

Lets play what if now. what if those 40 boxes yieldes 3 or 4 skins, even if a majorty of those skins I couldnt use immediately, id be very temped to bust out my credit card and keep making purchases of gems so I could get all the vanity items for each of my current and future toons. When all is said and done you would have had me for probably a bit over a hundred bucks easy.

A feeding frenzy like this from me every 3 months or so rounds out to about 400+ a year. Thats far better than 15 a month. Even better is if the skins were on sale on the gem store for around 10 bucks each. all the shoulder armors plus all the weapon skins and again, people would easily drop 100 bucks to unlock and purchase evrything. As is yeah, you suckered a few people with this nonsense but I doubt its gonna go over as well for your next event.

way to gimmick your playerbase and thin out your die hard supporters who WERE willing to throw gobs of money at you IF you played nice. Not so much anymore.

sorry for the mistakes, posting from a smartphone

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kinome.4236


From another thread in this forum:

250 Candy Corn + 10 Crystalline Dust + 40 Elonian Wine + 100 of X Rare Halloween Crafting Material = Gift

Gift of Souls + 250 Orichalcum Ingot + 100 Charged Lodestone + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm = Staff

Gift of Spiders + 250 Orichalcum Ingot + 100 Destroyer Lodestone + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm = Short Bow

Gift of the Moon + 250 Orichalcum Ingot + 100 Corrupted Lodestone + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm = Shield

? This about right?

…that’s ridiculous. Who are they trying to market these weapons to? Who is going to sink that many resources into weapons that are really only passably cool looking, especially compared to the BLC offerings?

Bwahahahahaha ……… WHAT!!?!?!?! LOLOLOLOLOL. Ok yeah, good luck with that anet.

Event items, rares drops and GW philosophy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kinome.4236


I think previous MMOs, like WoW, have given players a false sense of entitlement. Just because you play the game and spend 20 bucks on gems doesn’t mean you deserve an epic or rare skin. Let me rewind time back to EQ1, it took people 6months to a year to get their epic weapons. This was because the week long spawn camping on monsters, rare item drops, and randomly spawning merchants. Just because blizzard use to hold you tight, whisper sweet things in your ear, and tell you “You’re right, have this epic gear to dry up those tears”, doesn’t mean every game producer is going to cater to your over nurtured needs.

I dont think its an issue of entitlement so much as its just bad business.

Making vanity items super rare and by design mega expensive coupled with a horriby bad gem to gold exchange rate is only going to encourage players to get gold by other unsavory means.

I mean, I dont care. This is only going to further marginalize gems as a source of currency and give power to gold farmers in the end.

Sure they could make the vanity items bind on acquire, but then with the super low drop rates people would cry foul so bad you could hear it for miles. Oh you got a staff after dropping 50 to 70 bucks on keys and nothing else and you only have a warrior toon? Too bad sucker.

Conversely you could make the skins easily obtainable, say a 25% drop rate and hook completionists like myself. 40 boxes and I got 3 or 4 items? Well, time to drop another 50 dollars on keys because I need ALL OF THEM.

This isnt about entitlement, its about being out of touch with good business strategy.

Event items, rares drops and GW philosophy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kinome.4236


In the end, ANet is only really hurting themselves. One, the gem exchange has a laughably bad transfer rate. Two, from the spam the gold sellers are constnatly shooting off in different zones its more economical to BUY gold from a farmer than it is to buy gems and convert. Now youve got these super super rare items that drop in chests and go up in the BLTC for obscene amounts.

The gold sellers offering gold for increasingly cheaper and cheaper amounts plus ANet making vanity items like the halloween skins so rare they demand ridiculous prices on the exchange is eroding the market.

I had 2k gems last night plus another 10 or so keys already in my bank. After getting a few keys from opened chests plus about 20 keys bought I opened a little over 40 chests last night. Not one single solitary thing.

Whats that, 30, 40 bucks? Not a huge deal to me. So lets check the BLTC and see how much the skins are going for. Oh, kitten 50 to 70 gold?!? Ooooookay. Of course while I was in lions arch doing this here is some farmer spamming chat with his website, with gold prices so low they cause me to wonder why anyone would be dumb enough to use the gem exchange to try and buy one of these skins.


In the end, all ANet is doing is killing off any chance of repeat customers to the gem store. You think people who bought 20 or 30 keys last night are going to EVER do it again? Probably not. I know I wont.

I like the skins, ALOT actually, If they were offered up on the gem store for say 10 bucks per skin they would have easily made 40 to 50 bucks off me with the strong possibility of more sales from me for other skins and items in the future. Instead they made 20 to 30, left a bad taste in my mouth and me swearing off crap from the gem store forever.

Im not advocating the buying of gold, I wont be doing it myself, but ANet is only driving business away from themselves by doing this nonsense.

In the meantime gold sellers will continue to gain a foothold in your game and im sure we will continue to see “lol look at all these dead bots” and “the spam is getting to be too much” threads.