Showing Posts For kkiutt.3619:

blow it up and rebuild

in WvW

Posted by: kkiutt.3619


who here think that the current wvw should be blowed up and rebuilt,, wich was an option that anet actual;y considered,,

i know i think it might be best,, a complete reset,,

and while i am it, they should add something to prevent haveing the same servers as oponent for more then 2 week,,give us a bit of variety, that might help poeple feel less discouraged when you spend a whole year stuck with the same oponent

ANET please help my server. (Darkhaven)

in WvW

Posted by: kkiutt.3619


i know what you mean,, i am on sorrow furnace and we have been fighting you guys for what,, a year,, and have been wedged between you and a green server way to strong for us to do anything beside cling to second palce since we always end up fighting the weakest upper tier of the moment!

i would also point that i wouldnt mind always loosing if at least it wasnt always the same servers,, some variety wou;ld be welcomed

WvW matchup

in WvW

Posted by: kkiutt.3619


i know the feeling,, beeing in sorrow furnace,, we are squeezed under top ntier server when we are second tier,, so for the past year or so we havent won a sinlge wvw matchup,, and ever since the merging system came up,,, its only worsen the whole thing

World Linking Beta

in WvW

Posted by: kkiutt.3619


i dont know how anet calculate population in wvw,, but its not working,, so far the merging system only emphasize the problem even more,, the already populated server are now so full that all the other cant do a thing

petition anet to make coated bullet baseline

in Engineer

Posted by: kkiutt.3619


ok i heard they were suposed to make coated bullet baseline for engineer pistol, giving it the piercingability but they didnt.

and as most of you know almost everyone using pistol would take that trait.

so please repli or whatever this topic to start a petition for anet to actualy do it!

Coated bullets

in Engineer

Posted by: kkiutt.3619


nope,, just tried it and no piercing