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A tangle of weeds, I'm doing it wrong. (may have spoilers)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: klaughihin.9234


Note the above tactic I described does not ensure a zero-death completion. I still died a couple times and respawned, but he never reset and I was able to complete with only 2 deaths.

A tangle of weeds, I'm doing it wrong. (may have spoilers)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: klaughihin.9234


I just completed this as Elementalist after failing once prior.

My tactic:
Attack #2 is a ranged attack. Keep your party back from the graveyard and quickly run forward and pull the mobs in the graveyard one at a time out of the graveyard, before your group can run in guns blazing. Clear out the graveyard without aggro'ing big-bad. Once graveyard is clear, repeat this but go around the side and range pull from there, that way, by time you aggro him and your compatriots begin running to him and he runs at you, you meet roughly at the exit of the graveyard. Now you can use the edge of the graveyard as a line of sight mechanic to dodge his attacks and get him to move when he's targeting you and not one of your people. Combine this with dodging and the knockdown and your class 7,8,9 slot abilities. Put the ranged attack on auto attack after engaging him, then whenever you dodge away or pull back for a breather or to try and pull him, you're doing constant damage.

Karma? What for?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: klaughihin.9234


If you’re not intent on leveling purely through “typical” means, aka questing, dynamic events, pvp, dungeons, you can use Karma for buying crafting mats to help along your crafting which also helps you level quicker, since the XP gain from crafting isn’t something to scoff at.