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Feedback thread for Weaver!

in Elementalist

Posted by: koenrox.6480


Problems with Weaver
1. survivability:
Can’t survive anything, barrier is horrible on the low health ele, and gets removed way to easily.
Attunement swapping cool down needs to decrease from 4 to 3 sec, and you need to instantly be able to fully attune the attunement you are currently in. (for example for an OH moment you can change into earth, then instantly press earth again to fully attune to earth (while actually changing attunements can be 3 seconds))
2. lack of dmg both physical and condi
3. Almost 0 condi cleanse, can’t stand up to any classes in this condi heavy meta.
4. Sword lacks dmg, and movement ability
5. Some sword skills makes you stay in place which is exactly the opposite of what should happen to an ele.
6. New ult needs to be able to be used on the move, not have to stand still to use it.
7. Increase barrier available to us.
8. Having to use focus to survive any range class.