Showing Posts For komayo.2385:

New to GW2 and New Guardian Virtues?

in Guardian

Posted by: komayo.2385


Hello there,

And welcome to GW2 and to the guardian profession foruns.

First I’m sorry for my english, as it is not my first language. :

Well first of all you need to know what are virtues and what do they do as a passive and as an active skill.

to better learn that visit:

The thing about virtues is, as long as you don’t activate them you will almost 100% of the time have a better result as far as your guardian ( solo) goes as they apply a constant effect on you like the health regen of virtue of resolve, or the 40 secs aegis from virtue of courage or the burn effect from your every fifth atack from virtue of justice.

So why use them you ask?

well as a guardian you’re a people person and you will often party and virtues can be real life savers to some of your party member, for eg. a party member almost dying? activate virtue of resolve and you will heal the players arround you and yourself sacrificing the health regen for the reamaining of the cooldown, or for eg the virtue of courage that gives aegis to all the surrouding party instead of just you every 40 secs. that’s one free block that can really save your kitten or your team.

As far as virtue of justice goes it can indeed help since if you activate it while other players are arround you they all get a 5 sec burning effect for their next atack so imagine 5×5=25 secs of burning instead of the 1sec you usually get your fifth atack.

And as you progress in your trait line you will also get new perks to make virtues even better, for eg. inspire virtue that adds one extra boon to every virtue activation as it follows:

Justice: might
Resolve: regeneration
Courage: protection

Hope it helps to understand a bit more about virtues. at the end of the day, you need to acess the situation and see when it’s better to keep the passive effect on for yourself or sacrifice it for the remaining of the cd to help other arround you.

I'm "cramming" for my Monthly . . . help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: komayo.2385


Go for the WvW. it’s easy to get the 40 kills you need in a couple of hours or less… so that is your best choice. I just made mine today and was at 0% so I’m sure you will also get it. Good luck!

Mesmer's Phantoms Art

in Mesmer

Posted by: komayo.2385


Not sure what you just typed there… and well To be honest if it was supossed to be funny I’ll say: Try again.

The Shatterer is a dragon in the game.

No Sh** Sherlock I know who the Shaterer is. I just don’t know what was his point.

Mesmer's Phantoms Art

in Mesmer

Posted by: komayo.2385


Not sure what you just typed there… and well To be honest if it was supossed to be funny I’ll say: Try again.

Mesmer's Phantoms Art

in Mesmer

Posted by: komayo.2385


Hello everyone,

I was searching the Internet for pictures of mesmers and found this one that seems like a mesmer summoning a phantom. Of course I know that artwork and in game art are a bit different but well In game the Phantoms all look like the Mesmer Summoner… And well Since they don’t serve the same purpose of the clones as other players can separate the mesmer from the phantoms it summons why the hell aren’t they like this? It would kitten being able to summon this phantoms.

What do you guys think?

PS: I know we won’t get to summon them like this artwork as it would make the mesmer phantoms a bit too close to the ritualist profession assuming Anet is saving the profession for Cantha expasion( altough the phantoms can be shatered and they disappear once the enemy is killed unlike ritualist’s Spirits) But at least we could try to have Anet take a look at this.


Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: komayo.2385


Exactly, nightcapping isnt the issue… it is a constant war as Anet described.. And well human history teaches that nightcaping is just as a legit tactic as any other ( Trojan horse anyone???) my point is… there would be no need to build a trojan horse if there were only 2 people defending Troy! The greeks would just smack at the door with their huge army and get it done with ( yeahh Ancient wood is expensive :p , so why spend them building a horse!)

I think the NPC/monster events could help if given enough tought from the devs…. If the other servers had to worry about random atacks, at least they wouldn’t be able to gather as a huge army ’cause if they did that they would loose some points, wich would even the things a bit…

Guys stop the negative comments… this thread is supossed to help us improve the game… and I don’t see how bad and lame jokes about a statement that Anet did can help….

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: komayo.2385


I don’t midn the night capping… but well you say that we all should be able to enjoy the game and all of it’s content… and i totally get people only playing at night ( exactly my case…) what I can’t agree as a paying costumer is that I don’t get to experience wvw, because the diference in population is so huge that the whole world is painted in one colour, and you don’t get to even leave your starting keep without sneaking, or you’ll end up paving the snow with your dead body…. so What I ask is, is my time any precious, my money less important? ‘cause right now WvW is a nightmarish experience everytime I log on ( at night) ’cause there’s no people to play with in WvW /(yes,, i guess my server doesn’t care….) and even if they were, there would be nothing we could do.. since we’re totally outmaned… all we get to do is ninja some less protected points, only to find them overrun with enemies that will slaughter everything in their own path. wich takes me to another point… why have a game mechanic, where your skill is nto that important, only the number of people you run with matters in WvW, well That SUCKS!, even if I’m playing witht he bigger party… I don’t really feel like I did something usefull… all I did was shot some dudes with my scpeter with 5/10/20 more people….

And the worst part? you “force” us to go to WvW… for map completion ( LOL… I can dream about my last 1% since i won’t be getting it anytime soon), monthly score, etc… well don’t force people to play something that you’re still figuring out! How’s that for an improvement? At least fix that part of it… untill you figure out the rest.

Ohh and I know I could just switch servers.. but well my guild is a small Portuguese one ( mostly friends and people we find trough the server from our country) in this server with full upgrades( and from what I was told.. we don’t get to keep the updates we got, correct me if I’m wrong) so we’re not going anywhere… and well I would really like to be able to play WvW soon…

Anyway, keep up the Work… I won’t say good, ‘cause well right now this is a big issue for me, since I feel like I’m being left out of a game mechanic that I would really enjoy, all because you released it without thinking everything trough… and to me as a paying costumer THAT IS NOT GOOD WORK

Anyway, at least the rest of the game is OUTSTANDING! Kudus for you!