Showing Posts For kornbredd.1960:

10/4 - EB - YB - NSP Blobstyle Edition

in Match-ups

Posted by: kornbredd.1960


Some good fights in NSPBL tonight at their spawn, early wee hours in the morning. Sorry we were spawn camping, we couldn’t find any other fights anywhere on any BL. So when we got tired of just killing the same ppl over and over again we got some 1v1’s and 1v2’s. Great fights all around. Shout out to that TSP warrior that couldn’t kill me. I’m the female Norn theif with the gold hair.

Stop trying to hit me and hit me!!
Softlee- Norn thief
Yaks Bend (Pro) Guild

(edited by kornbredd.1960)

9/20 SF/HoD/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: kornbredd.1960


As much of a pain in the kitten this matchup has been, I just have to give props to YB. Aside from all the zerging down that happened this week, the few small man and solo roamers I’ve run across have been some of the nicest, most polite handful of people I’ve ever come across. Granted this was late at night for me, most likely oceanics and aussies, not sure about the NA crew yet :P

Hey JahRo, were you a condition warrior "VLK"soloing last night? If so I was the thief with the “Pro” Tag, that dueled you bout 10-15 times. GOOD FIGHTING! GOOD FIGHTING indeed. Hat off to you bro! Cant wait to do it again!!!

Stop trying to hit me and hit me!!
Softlee- Norn thief
Yaks Bend (Pro) Guild

Undelivered bought items from Gem Store

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kornbredd.1960


Yesterday 8/1/2013 I bought 5 transmutation stones from the Gem Store that evening, I believe it was right before or during the maintenance. I didn’t immediately receive them which was ok, I figured I would get them after or this morning in my mail like I always do. But here it is 8am est and still no transmutation stones in my mail or anywhere else. The gems were subtracted from my account also. So trying to see if I can get a dev to help me out here. Hopefully they will be in my mail later on today. Thanks in advance!

Stop trying to hit me and hit me!!
Softlee- Norn thief
Yaks Bend (Pro) Guild

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kornbredd.1960


I did the same thing, spent 1000 gems and opened 24 chests and prolly 10 more since then and nothing!

Stop trying to hit me and hit me!!
Softlee- Norn thief
Yaks Bend (Pro) Guild