Showing Posts For krashofxyz.6905:

The broken mechanics of Walls - attacking to and from...

in WvW

Posted by: krashofxyz.6905


^ I completely agree.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: krashofxyz.6905


As far as Anvil Rock is concerned it’s not so much night capping it’s that people just WILL NOT LISTEN when one of our keeps are getting sieged and we need “just a few more people to show up”. It’s frustrating and it has been the #1 reason we have been getting stomped straight into 2nd place for the last couple of matches. Last night we were able to have 2, i repeat, 2 orbs and the majority of EB, our home border and NSP border. However every time I go to sleep and get back we are all over the place and disorganized, not even TRYING to hold any ground. So as far as my server is concerned it’s not population, it’s not timezones, it’s the people who JUST WON’T LISTEN.