I am already finished with this game overall. I paid for it, therefore, I will still occasionally log on, or read forums. But overall, I can’t do it any longer, nor will I purchase any future Anet titles.
I play games because I am given the freedom to play them as I enjoy playing them. I feel like GW2 is taking back to pre-school. Being told what I can do and how often I can do it. I am forced to play it like THEY want me to.
I can understand if it included exploits, but seriously, come on. Stop limiting peoples enjoyment of the game only based on what YOU feel we should be doing. Telling people how they can play, and what they can do when they play…it is bad business in the gaming world.
And to those saying there’s a lot to do….there may be, for YOU. Everyone enjoys playing games differently, that’s the joy of them. The complaints here are that those of us who enjoy one way, are being forced to play it another way. If you enjoy the game, then go play it. I for one refuse to play a game where I am limited in what I can do to enjoy it.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Game Designer: Ok we made a game that gives you freedom. Have fun!
Player: This sucks, there’s not enough to do and I’m level 80 and no one else is here
Game Designer: Alright no problem, we added some mechanics a long the way to help slow you down and enjoy the game more
Player: WTF! I’m still level 20 after 3 days! This game sucks!
Game Designer: Ok…..
EA: We got this
Oh I forgot to add The Secret World example.
Funcom: Literally do whatever you want. Whatever. You. Want. with your class.
Player: Why does my character die so much? This game is unbalanced and sucks.
Funcom: kitten
What the hell are you guys talking about? Go explore. Go quest. Meet new races. Go to a different city or something. Meet new people and go to a meta-event dungeon if you want something harder before level 30. Please do not ruin GW2 for the rest of us.