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Forums? ...or complaint department?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lhlawarrior.4132


It’s rare that people even seek help in General Discussion or in the HoT sub-forum. For help, there’s Players Helping Players and the Profession forums. The general sub-forums are the catch-all, which often means they do catch complaints.

Pro-Tip: Most complaints are made by players who want the game to be better — for them. Some of the complaints, if addressed, would improve the game for a lot of folks.

But again theres a difference between complaining and reporting/suggesting/observing. You can still find work-arounds and enjoy your game without encourage the disheartening of other players. Just my opinion.

Forums? ...or complaint department?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lhlawarrior.4132


tbh I don’t know as I never really got into Warhammer Online.

Also, im not saying people shouldn’t make suggestions, or report bugs or glitchs, or make observations of balance issues based on their experience. But that’s a lot different than complaining. Just trying to clarify.

But I wouldn’t know about Warhammer Online sorry :/

Tick Tock Bri
Engineer Extraordinaire

Forums? ...or complaint department?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lhlawarrior.4132


So basically this is a “shut up, Rangers” thread lol

Encourage them to maybe slightly alter their build to help compensate as much as possible.


Not at all! I just want to point out that there are other ways to handle difficulties with any class you play, other than complain beyond helpfulness, and encourage others to complain with you. To quote from a great movie:

“You either die a Hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.”

Forums? ...or complaint department?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lhlawarrior.4132


haha well said Randulf, well said.

Tick Tock Bri
Engineer Extraordinaire

Forums? ...or complaint department?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lhlawarrior.4132


But again, Guild Wars 2 whole vision was to reset the standard, and I guess it would be nice to see that implemented here in the community and the forums too. But maybe that’s just me being critical too…’

Its just disappointing to me to see posts that literally serve no purpose to complain, and in some cases even respond to people trying to be positive with chastising remarks of “don’t get your hopes up.” I just feel like we can be better than this. That’s all.

But point taken.

Forums? ...or complaint department?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lhlawarrior.4132


You know, maybe its just me. And that’s entirely possible. I will admit that I don’t spend a lot of time in the Forums as others might. But does it seem to anyone else that the Forums for the most part have basically become a space for players to complain about the game? Isn’t Forums worth more than that?

Again, maybe its just me, but it just seems like everyone has either gone to other 3rd party sites, video steaming/recorded sites, or in-game, for things like build help, new player help, guild recruitment, etc…

To me, instead of become a helpful community helping others with knowledge, experience, and suggestions, it has become a place to complain, bash Anet, and convince others that they should just give up, “cause its always been this way.”

Its sad to me. Sad that Anet designed a game that tried to defy the status quo of everyone looking out for themselves, and creating a community friendly game, with massive world events that complimented group effort, and WvW, and even PvP with their effort of allowing even lvl 1’s to participate without dramatic set-backs. And these Forums have started to slowly become that which they tried to avoid.

Shame on us. So Druids don’t get a POI reveal. So Rangers haven’t had as much dedicated bug fixes. Maybe instead of finding ways to complain and bash Anet, we could come together as a community and once it has been brought to Anet’s attention, help out the Rangers that are struggling. Encourage them to maybe slightly alter their build to help compensate as much as possible. Or maybe even adjust personally, as we learn to address our favorite classes’ limitations. That’s right, our favorite class. If Ranger is your favorite class to play, there has to be reasons you still insist on playing it, no matter the limitations. Focus on that. Focus on encouraging new Rangers who are struggling, and reminding them, hey the pets may be hard to deal with right now compared to other classes, but man, let me tell you about my favorite aspect, or my favorite way to play them.

Its time to stop demanding, or complaining, or insisting, or expecting the worst.

Its time to be a community again. Not a complaint department at the DMV.

Guild Wars 2 is THE best MMORPG in the market HANDS DOWN.

Lets start communicating it like we care, and lets start being a forum who cares and is helpful.

But again…maybe its just me.

Tick Tock Bri
Engineer and PROUD player of Guild Wars 2

Ventari Tablet Art - Best bug of the beta!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lhlawarrior.4132


haha well done. That’s how you play beta for all its glory!