Showing Posts For lognacooper.5243:

Looking for a casual/friendly guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: lognacooper.5243


I have a level 25 Sylvari Thief and I’m looking for a nice guild. I’m mostly into WvW and PvE, and I do some PvP from time to time. I’m also into RP? If that may effect anything.

About Me
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Server: Yak’s Bend
Time Zone: EST

New player looking for a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: lognacooper.5243


I bought the game about a week ago, and I haven’t had much time to play around until this weekend (I’m only a level 9 sylvari thief, but i’ve only played probably 2 hours). I’m looking for a friendly helpful active guild. I’m on Yak’s Bend, and I’m not really willing to transfer.