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Unable to connect

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lokikron.6705


I’ve pretty much had the exact same thing, glad I’m not the only one, probably areannets servers or something.

Do you also get a blackscreen crash where you can still hear game sounds (music/attacks) and move the mouse around? Or is it straight game restarting?

[SOLUTION] Black Screen Crash Fix - Finally!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lokikron.6705


has black screen

has AMD card

didn’t have ccc open at the time of black screen crashes, opened it and had clock set to 775, lowered it

my ccc is different to what was pictured though, thanks for bumping this thread though.

Time to test!

I thought blackscreen was something to do with getting disconnected from Arenanets servers.

TEST FAILED Lowered to 750, was fine and dandy, got past the asura tutorial on my new ranger (a place I black screened on), but got blackscreen by the rata sum leatherwork station.

Gonna try now with overdrive disabled (not hopeful, seeing as ccc was closed during the previous blackscreens so I would assume it wouldn’t have been activated?)

And still got blackscreens with overdrive disabled my black screens aren’t cured.

Something to note though: my blackscreens of death, I can alt tab/alt f4/hit f11 and kill the program and then restart, I don’t need to reboot my computer.

(edited by lokikron.6705)

Selling Ascended Materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lokikron.6705


Why are we not able to put the 4 main ascended materials (bloodstone dust/bricks, Empyreal Star/fragments, Dragonite ingot/ore, and obsidian shards) on the Auction house, or at least VENDOR the items?

After a day in the silverwastes, I am literally swimming in ascended mats, I don’t need them anymore for a long time as I have all I need. And I know before I headed to the silverwastes I really would have appreciated being able to buy them off of the trading post for easy crafting and save me time.

We can buy/sell Bolts of Damask, Deldrimor Steel Ingots, spiritwood planks and Elonian Leather Squares, which admittedly are harder to come by as you can only get a component once a day that is also account bound until you craft them into the main crafting material.

Basically, once you have all you need (and its fairly easy with their drop rate in silverwastes), they’re trash items. Worthless, stacks of them taking up space, only option is to delete them as you can’t even sell them to the vendor for a few copper per, or throw them up on the auction house for people to buy that will actually use them.

Boring races

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lokikron.6705


Hmm I actually like the races we have… I would rather see major additions and balance changes than a new race…. Unless it’s QUAGGAN

Quaggan and Skritt are the races I most want to play.

Shiny shiny! Coooooooo!

Load screen bug (sound and game, no vision)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lokikron.6705


Have you tried updating windows?

I had the black screen of death, which is pretty much game crashing but still running. Went through all the solutions, I don’t know if windows up date was the thing, or a patch fixed it as I was updating (there were multiple patches at the time, it was during the $10 deal, maybe they fixed it), but it worked for me for that bug.

TL;DR What class to select?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lokikron.6705


For the TL;DR, its kind of a 6 way tie

The short:

What I’m looking for: Class that supports using buffs/debuffs, DPSs great, tanks (kind of in that order? DPS/Tank is tied but if I really had to pick I would dps over it in my experience but its really close)

Classes that look dps/supporty:

Classes that look really interesting to play

Elementalist looks like a squishy glass cannon, can they tank? I think I’m really tied between Guardian and Elementalist, but Engineer looks really interesting too (reminds me of tactian in rift which I enjoyed). Warrior seems like standard dps+bit of support with the banners and the builder – > finisher combo reminds me of rift and I would probably put it at the bottom of the 6 because its what I’m most familar with and would probably get bored.

Mes and thief look really interesting to try out and play but I don’t know if I would stick with them/enjoy another class more. What utility/support do Mes/Thieves bring? Mes is definitely the more interesting of the 2, but thief looks like an interesting variation on the classic rogue with its weapon stealing.

The long:

So, I’m coming from Rift where I played a Rogue and Mage (I also had low level warrior and cleric characters, warrior in rift was “meh”, but the cleric seemed fun with heal tanking being an option, and cleric support was much the same as rogue support, but had more healing options as rogue only had 1 buff/debuff soul and 1 healing soul, while cleric had 1 buff/debuff soul, and 2? or 3? healing souls to choose from, same with the healing, I liked how cleric had had st healing and aoe healing options for dungeons/raids. I would have changed cleric to my main if Trion didn’t ruin dungeons by removing gear reward chests from random queue and just taking away motivation to play).

I leveled up the rogue as an aoe dps/support and then mained as a full Support in raids (buffs/debuffs, some heals), but I also had a mobile melee tank role and any dps role you wanted set up for that rogue (Melee, range, st, aoe, you name it I had a spec set up for it, it only took me till end game to go “I should be more varied” and create multiple specs I could swap through mid dungeon (you could change spec any time, it was just a 1-2 second cast and you had to not be in combat) (hence all the variations on dps; aoe for trash, st for bosses) (Favourite memory is playing as a melee dps, and the tank dies, so I quickly pop stealth to get out of combat and change to tank spec and leap back in taking all the aggro and saving party from a wipe on the last boss)).

I played tank often in dungeons, primarly because of how the lfg queue was set up and how no one ever selected tank so I was shunted into that 80% of the time and I was fine main tanking if needed but it wasn’t my “go to” preference role (I did learn to enjoy tanking a lot though, where if we needed it I would volunteer), the rest of the time I played aoe dps in open world, and if I was put in “support” role in regular dungeons I played as a 3rd dpser (for faster clear, support didn’t have much of an impact in normal dungeons compared to raid support, I would swap to proper support if we needed buffs/debuffs, an off healer, or it was a decent boss fight and I was initially selected as the role, hell I played support in dungeons the majority of the time until someone pointed out the clear time difference with 3 dps instead of 2dps+1support).

Mage was set up as a range st dps with some aoe where I just rolled pyro and topped dps, I also had a healer spec. I enjoyed healing and if the main healer in a dungeon was struggling and we wiped a few times on a boss I would ask if the support or the main healer them selves wanted to swap roles from support/healer to dps so I could play 2nd healer/main healer, but I played primarly as dps on mage.

For pvp I played souly as dps on my mage (only swapping to healer to refill my hp between fights/when it was a “hold the flag and don’t die” map), because range, and could kill people so quickly.

For rogue pvp I tried my hand at melee dps every so often, but chasing people if I didn’t kill them quickly enough was an annoyance, (reason for not going range, is because it had lower dps than melee, and it took a bit to build up), where I really shined as rogue in pvp was as range dps support where I could just sustain myself and others for days with my buffs/heals and kill decently with my debuffs+burst.

I also played SWTOR as a Sniper (pure range st dps), and Mercenary (Healer spec) and really enjoyed both.

So yeah, what class in guild wars 2 would fit me decently?