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Suggestion: Change Display Name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I along with many many other plays would really like to be able to change our display names.. I don’t see a problem with it or why why can’t at the time. (unless it reveals personal information). Games like World of warcraft allow this but only let you change it once so everyone isnt constantly changing their display name. If SOME people are allowed to do it, why isn’t this an option? Maybe have it show your old display name beside your changed one for a month after change so people get used to it and only have a one time change so people dont constantly change it. I made the mistake of just typing mine randomly when I created this account.. and I REALLY wish I could change it. Just something to think about.

EDIT: I’m NOT talking about Character names.. Im talking about ACCOUNT names.

(edited by lolzertank.1928)