Showing Posts For lothrodel.3540:

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: lothrodel.3540


Will there be any new maps?

Who are happy with their elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: lothrodel.3540


As i said i am not a competitive player and i am giving my opinions about my perspective of the game. If you have been to competitive scene or that equivalent player, I am eager to listen your advice/criticism.
In my opinion, we can remove conditions(i did not understand what you meant by "the fastest’). Yes we might not move conditions like necros but hey they are necros for a reason. No we connot survive the longest but we can for a decent of time. Who does a good damage while taking dmg besides necros? I did not understand what you meant by saying if they can spike really high?(Sorry for my English(i’m not a native speaker) i did not understand it. If you could clarify it for me I would really appreciateit.)
No, you are not being rude. There is a reason for this topic to be opened and that is for a discussion. You stated your opinion and i really appreciate that even though i did not agree with some points. However, you maybe a better player than me and i was just giving my opinions about the game.
Thanks for your response.

Who are happy with their elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: lothrodel.3540


As you said, meta will change. This is a new game guys come on. How long has it been since released? 1-2 months? Everybody is trying with different builds and different aspects of their classes. We should give it a time. I totally disagree that there is no place for eles in tpvp. Yes i have not been to competitive scene but believe me eles are the game changing class in tpvp.

Who are happy with their elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: lothrodel.3540


Niji believe me you won’t be disappointed. I tried every other profession with almost all build types but there is something special with ele that makes me keep playing. That was the whole reason i created this topic. What makes me (us) to come back to our ele after trying all other classes and builds?

Who are happy with their elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: lothrodel.3540


Since i am more into pvp scene of the ele i do not have much to say about pve. However,
i believe our damage is fine. My only concern regarding pvp is our downed state and that has to be fixed ASAP. I mean it has to be fixed with the next patch. That is the only thing i do not like about my class. Other than that we are very good in general and it will get much better as other will figure out the class.

Who are happy with their elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: lothrodel.3540


I’ve been playing ele since head start. I haven’t pve much (till lvl 41) . SInce then i’ve been pvping alot. I check the forums daily and read all pvp and ele forums. I see a lot of whining topics. I’ve been wondering who are happy with their ele? And i would like to see their opinion of current meta game and current ele. What build they are run and what makes them to keep playing ele.

Ele downed state

in Elementalist

Posted by: lothrodel.3540


I love this class and all that stuff but when we are downed especially in tpvp its freaking annoying. I do not care about balance issues and everything but this needs to be fixed asap.

[SBI] LFG for spvp and tpvp

in Guilds

Posted by: lothrodel.3540


Rank 11 ele here. I am looking for a guild that is active for spvp and tpvp around mostly midnight.
Time zone: UTC -6 central time