Showing Posts For loweyz.6875:

8/2 SoR/TC/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: loweyz.6875


As a change of subject from the nasty zerg’s, shout out to all TC and SoR skirmishers, had a lot of fun last week and hopefully it picks up again in the camps and ruins, and we hate it just as much as you guys when the zerg’s come and ruin the fun.
bye bye

(F.U) Fallen Princess-Mesmer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: loweyz.6875


heya TC/FA having some fun in EB even though were getting flogged, somehow you have gained some oceanic representation, kudos to you and your recruiting, anyway back to the carnage,

Fallen Princess,
LeeT Mesmer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: loweyz.6875


Since I couldn’t party, can someone from [LeeT] tell that human male thief that I’d like to try 1v1ing again?

thx mate, ill tell Divine Visionz your looking for him, im usually with him but if I see you ill hold back

Liquid Myzt, (Leet) thief

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: loweyz.6875


thx for your advice, duly noted a lot of us that hang it groups of 2-3 have a different elite each to compliment each other 1 of us is usually the bait, P/D seems too easy so I know a few of us like to mix it up with the different builds we seem to be doin pretty well atm with our builds

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: loweyz.6875


Hiya TC/FA, Show of respect from Elite Ones (LeeT) your bringing us together as a guild and I cant thank you enough, enjoying the carnage
Liquid Myst
(Leet) SoS thief