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Account hacking incident

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lxl Ra lxl.5896

lxl Ra lxl.5896

And saying “We/I did this to get your (company’s) attention” is reprehensible. Hurting a person to send a message is inhumane and wrong.

I am sorry this happened to you. You are probably the most loved employee in Guild Wars and that made you the perfect icon to hack to make a statement. You could compare this to a whistleblower in a big company. He is against the work ethics, but his management does not want to listen, so he’s going outside to journalists to show what is really happening to force the company to act on what they are doing wrong.

As you can already see by those few posts in this thread, hacking accounts has been way too easy in Guild Wars and getting your banned accounts back aswell. This has resulted into many problems we have now a days in Guild Wars.

First of all because of the influx of all these old accounts it made syncing a lot easier at every level. They are syncing HA, GvG, RA, JQ and they even used to sync AB during the AB week. I wouldn’t even dare to say what else they could sync.

Second this has lead to many many bots being played in PvP and PvE, because there is no threat of being banned and losing your account. Those players don’t even care to hide their bots, because they know there is no risk, ruining this for the players who want to play this game fair.

And then you ask yourself, why are they doing this? They are doing this because they are making big money by syncing and selling bots. They profit on the loyal fanbase this game has left by RMT.

Sadly, now the playerbase has been very cynical about how the game has been ran the last few years and this is not getting any better if there aren’t any actions being taken. First of all obviously account security has to be improved, for your own account aswell, Gaile. Then a huge banwave on all those alt accounts would be ideal. Banning obvious botters and muting goldsellers would be above expectation. Shutting down the most famous botselling and goldselling site would be something no one could dream about… Atleast not the cynical, but loyal playerbase left.

Account hacking incident

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lxl Ra lxl.5896

lxl Ra lxl.5896

I only hope that they will improve security in Guild Wars now. For the last few years it has been too easy to get your old banned account back if you only said that you want to play the game after you took a long break.

This mass influx of “new” accounts has lead to lots of syncing and shameless botting in PvP and I would guess in PvE aswell. There isn’t any support from Anet trying to prevent this, while there are many sites selling bots, accounts and Guild Wars money for real money, making those hackers profit on the loyal community.

I hope this hack was a huge red flag for Anet that they know they can’t leave the game without any support at all. That’s why I see this hack mostly as a cry for help and attention (and some giggles) towards Anet.